Behavioral Science 1.6 Flashcards
Steps of neurulation
1 ectoderm begins to furrow
2 neural groove forms
3 The groove is closed forming a tube
Neural crest
Cells at the leading edge of the neural fold
Neural tube
The framework for the central nervous system
Alar plate
Located near the neural crest differentiates into sensory neurons
Basal plate
Opposite of the neural crest differentiates into motor neurons
1950s drug used to reduce morning sickness, but caused deformations in fetuses
Response to a given stimulus without higher cognitive input
Reflexes associated with development
Assessment of reflexes through development can determine if there are issues with neurological development
Moro reflex
Extension of arms when head is moved rapidly
Rooting reflex
Head turn towards touch of cheeks
Babinski reflex
Spreading of toes when sole of the foot is stimulated
Grasping reflex
Hand closes when object is placed in palm
Gross Motor skills
Movement of large muscle groups in the body
Fine motor skills
Movement of smaller muscles for specific delicate movement
Stranger anxiety
Fear and apprehension of unfamiliar individuals
Steps of play style
On looker
At Two years parallel play