Basic 1st Aid & Emergency Care, C16; WB, P-LQ Flashcards
Week/Module 6
As an NA, in an emergency situation . . . (6)
1st - recognize emergency exists
2nd - decide to act
3rd - check for consciousness
4th - activate ERS
5th - give care until help arrives
6th - record own given care
ERS stands for . . .
. . . Emergency Response System.
Emergency Response System
resource network (people, equipment, facilities) organized to respond to Emergency
Familiarity with P/R makes one ______ likely to recognize abnormalities.
Stay _____, organize _______, then ___.
calm, thoughts, act
In case emergency, NAs ________ speak to the victim.
3 goals of BLS:
- prevent Cardiac/Respiratory Arrest
- keep person who’s in C/RA alive (until help arrives)
Respiratory Arrest
stopped breathing
Cardiac Arrest
heart stopped beating
DRN stands for . . .
. . . Do Not Resusitate.
any condition that requires immediate medical/surgical attention to prevent death or permanent disability
An Emergency is any condition that requires immediate medical attention to prevent _____ or __________ __________.
death, permanent disability
Pulse Point
where large arteries are close enough to skin’s surface to be felt (as pulse)
A person without pulse is in _______ Arrest.
Cardiac Arrest
One in Cardiac Arrest ____ have a pulse.
Humans can live for a few minutes without ________.
___________/__________ heartbeat can cause sudden Cardiac Arrest.
AED stands for . . .
. . . Automated External Defibrillator.
AEDs restore one’s normal ______ rhythm.
CPR stands for . . .
. . . Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.
When _____ flow to body part is blocked, depriving cells of oxygen & thus causing them to ___, Infarction occurs.
blood, die
blood flow to body part is blocked, depriving cells of oxygen & thus causing them to die
Blocked blood flow to myocardium can cause a ______ _______/MI.
Heart Attack
Blocked blood flow to _______________ can cause an MI.
Heart Attack/MI
blood flow to myocardium is blocked; part of heart muscle dies
heart becomes unable to pump blood effectively throughout body
As a result of an MI, the heart becomes _____ to pump blood __________ throughout body
unable, effectively
Blocked blood flow to brain or sudden blood vessel rupture causes a _____/______________ Accident.
Stroke, Cerebrovascular
2 Stroke/CVA causes:
- blocked blood flow to brain
- sudden blood vessel rupture
During a Stroke/CVA, part of the brain dies due to ______ lack.
______ occurs when brain’s blood supply suddenly decreases.
Another word for fainting is ______.
Syncope occurs when _____ supply to brain suddenly decreases, resulting in temporary ___________ loss.
blood, consciousness
Syncope can be an early sign of a ________ medical condition.
Syncope can result from: (8)
- hunger (“low blood sugar”)
- pain
- extreme emotion
- fatigue
- medication side effects
- a “stuffy” room (poor ventilation)
- excessive heat
- standing for long time
A ________ occurs when electrical activity to brain is intterupted.
Seizure can result from ____ injuries (either recent or past), ________/CVA, infections, ____ fevers, ___ blood sugar, poisonings, _____ tumors, & Epilepsy.
head, Stroke, high, low, brain
severe, uncontrolled bleeding
Trauma to blood vessel or certain illnesses can cause H________
Hemorrhage can be caused by trauma to blood vessel or by certain illnesses, such as _______ Ulcers.
organs & tissues don’t receive enough oxygen-containing blood
Organs & tissues not receiving enough oxygen-containing blood can cause ______.
6 MI S&S:
Pain, pressure, or tightness in the chest, which may extend to the neck, back, or arm
Pale or grayish skin
Excessive sweating
Trouble breathing
Nausea or heartburn-like pain
Pain, pressure, or tightness in the chest, which may extend to the neck, back, or arm
Pale or grayish skin
Excessive sweating
Trouble breathing
Nausea or heartburn-like pain
are 6 S&S of ________ _______.
Heart Attack
Droopy face
Speech Difficulty
Arm weakness
are 3 S&S of _________.
3 S&S of CVA:
Droopy face
Speech Difficulty
Arm weakness
If someone’s having an MI, elevate the _____.
The first sign of a Stroke is often just a slight slurring of _______ or a small change in a person’s _________.
speech, personality
If a person is about to _____, lie the person down in supine & elevate legs OR ask the person to sit & bend forward with head between knees.
Grand Mal Seizure
violent jerking of all muscles; Tonic-Clonic
More commonly, ______ Mal Seizures cause consciousness loss than _____ Mal Seizures.
Grand, Petit
Petit Mal/Absence Seizure
may stop speaking midsentence & stare
results when organs/tissues don’t receive enough oxygen-containing blood
Cardiogenic Shock
heart is unable to pump enough blood throughout body to meet tissues’ oxygen need
Hemorrhagic Shock
massive blood loss; not enough blood in vessels to supply tissues
Septic Shock
caused by severe bacterial infections involving entire body
In Septic Shock, bacteria-produced ______ cause blood vessels to dilate, leading to pooling of blood away from heart & ____ circulation.
toxins, poor
Anaphylactic Shock
severe allergic reaction; Bronchioles close, preventing oxygen in air from passing into lungs & reaching blood
In Anaphylactic Shock, ___________ close, preventing oxygen in air from passing into lungs & reaching blood.
NAs should first check if a person can _______ if person is a conscious adult grasping at own throat.
accidental inhalation of foreign material into airway
FBAO stands for . . .
. . . Foreign-Body Airway Obstruction.
- ________ fitting dentures
- ________ teeth
- ________ age
- being un_______________
- having _____ cough/swallowing
- impaired ___ reflex
are factors that increase choking risk.
(5) Survival Chain steps, in order:
1st: recognize emergency & activate EMS
2nd: 1st responder care given
3rd: medical intervention
4th: hospital care
5th: rehabilitation
Unresponsive (2)
- unconscious & can’t be aroused
- conscious but not responsive when spoken to or touched
unable to answer basic questions; confused
A change in a person’s usual abilities or level of awareness can be a sign that something is _____.