What is coronary heart disease?
-fatty deposits narrow the coronary arteries
-fatty deposits can build up inside the coronary arteries that supply the heart.
-narrows the blood vessels therefore occludes the blood supply to the heart
-therefore reducing O2 supply to the heart.
What are stents?
tubes inserted into coronary arteries that keep the arteries open so blood can pass through
Advs and Disadvs of stents
-lower risk of heart attack due to coronary heart disease
-effective for a long period of time
-recovery time after surgery is relatively quick
-no risk of rejection
- risk of surgery
-risk of developing a blood clot near the stent (thrombosis)
What are statins?
drugs that lower amount of bad cholesterol/LDL cholesterol present in the blood stream which slows down the rate of fatty deposits forming
Advs and Disadvs of statins
-reduce risks of CHD, strokes and heart attacks
-statins can also increase the amount of good cholesterol/HDL cholesterol
-studies suggest that statins may also help prevent other diseases
-long tem drug that must be taken regularly
-can have side effects (eg: headaches) but also more serious side effects (eg: kidney failure, liver damage and memory loss)
-effect of statins isn’t instant