What is diffusion?
the net movement of particles from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
What is osmosis?
the net movement of water molecules from an area of high water concentration to an area of low water concentration across a partially permeable membrane
What is active transport?
the net movement of particles agaisnt the concentration gradient (requires energy)
Adaptations of exchange surfaces
-thin membrane (short diffusion pathway)
-large surface area
-good blood supply
-gas exchange (in the lungs)
-large surface area
-moist lining
-thin walls
-good blood supply
-absorption (in the small intestine)
-folds increase surface area
-thin walla
-good blood supply
-gases diffuse in and out of leaf
-flattened shape increases surface area
-walls of cells in leaves form another exchange surface (air spaces in leaf increase surface area
-gas exchange surface in fish
-gill filaments and lamellae increase surface area
-lamellae have losts of capillaries to speed up diffusion
-thin surface layer of cells
RP- Osmosis: method
-cut identical potato cylinders and measure their masses
-measure 10cm^3 of different concentrations of a sugar solution into some beakers (one should be pure water and another should be very concentrated sugar solution with different concentrations in between)
-add 1 potato cylinder to each beaker for a set amount of time
-take the potato cylinders out, dry them with a paper towel and then measure their masses again
-calculate % change in mass (final mass - initial mass / initial mass)
RP-Osmosis: variables
IV - conc. of sugar solution
DV - change in mass of potato cylinders
CVs - time left in solution, temp of solutions