Australia's Aid program Flashcards
Australia’s aid program:
government department responsible for managing Australia’s aid program is the department of foreign affairs and trade (DFAT)
Purpose of Australia’s aid program:
promote Australia’s national interests by contributing to sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction.
DFAT does this by focusing on achieving two development outcomes:
-Strengthening private sector development
-enabling human development.
Strengthening the private sector:
for people to escape poverty, must be given the opportunity to develop and use their skills more productively
(through self-employment or by earning a wage.)
enabling human development:
Promoting economic growth + poverty reduction = achieving human development.
Through DFAT, the Australian government provides aid by:
Providing humanitarian assistance
Providing material resources (machinery and building supplies)
Providing funding
Why does Australia provide aid?:
Humanitarian reason - help those less fortunate
Assist with achieving the SDG’s
Reduce poverty and promote human development