assessment of fetal well being *OB* Flashcards
3 levels of ultrasound
-standard/basic (routine)
-limited (looking for specifics)
-specialized (detailed)
indications for sonograms (6)
-fetal life, growth, characteristics, anomalies
-placental position and function
-adjunct to other invasive tests
-fetal well being (AFI, BPP)
-doppler blood flow
-identification of fetal position
tests for determining viability of pregnancy during 1st trimester (4)
-quantitative beta hCG (doubles q2d in 1st tri)
-progesterone levels (allows for implantation in endometrium)
-vag ultrasound (presence of gestational sac, cardiac movement, EDB)
-genetic screens (cell free DNA, 1st tri multiple marker)
difference between screening v diagnostic tests
screening = gives more info about the odds
diagnostic = confirms
when is cell free DNA tested during pregnancy
10 weeks gestation
how does cell free DNA testing work and what does it test for
-uses maternal blood which contains fetal DNA
-tests for trisomy 13, 18, 21 (down syndrome)
-tests for abnormalities of sex chromosomes
*best for women who have risk factors for chromosomal disorders
when is first trimester multiple marker testing done
10-13 weeks gestation
what does 1st tri multiple marker testing test for
-uses maternal blood
-looks for increased NT (nuchal translucency)
-testing for trisomy 13, 18, 21 (down syndrome)
genetic screening tests during 2nd tri (3)
-second tri multiple marker (quad screen)
-NTD screen
-standard sonogram
when does second tri multiple marker genetic screening take place
15-22 weeks gestation
what does second tri multiple marker genetic screening test for
-mother’s blood:
-down syndrome
-trisomy 18
-neural tube defect
-sonogram: major physical defects
what protein does 2nd tri multiple marker genetic screening test for in maternal blood
increased protein = increased risk fetus has neural tube defect
MSAFP (maternal serum alpha fetal protein)
what is required for accurate assessment in NTD screening during 2nd tri
-maternal age, weight, race, # fetuses
what does the standard sonogram during the 2nd tri look for (abdominal ultrasound with full bladder)
-fetal life
-fetal #
-fetal presentation
-gross fetal anatomy
-gestational age and growth
-amniotic fluid volume (shows perfusion to kidneys)
-placenta (location, graded)
-uterine anatomy (fibroids, abnormalities)
nursing considerations for sonogram during 2nd tri (4)
-full bladder
-position (pillow under neck and knees, if 20 wks or more: wedge under R hip)
-position display screen so mom and partner can see
-have bedpan/bathroom available
2 reasons moms might have serial fetal sonograms to monitor growth
3rd tri fetal assessments (4)
-fetal movement assessment/ kick counts (best test)
-electronic fetal heart rate monitor (nonstress and stress test)
-amniotic fluid volume/index
-biophysical profile (BATMaN)
BATMaN mnemonic for biophysical profile in 3rd tri
Breathing (atleast 1 episode or 30 secs)
Amniotic fluid volume (2 cm+)
Tone (tucked)
Movement (3+ in 30 mins)
Nonstress test (should be reactive)
important teaching about fetal alarm signal to pt in 3rd tri
-if no fetal movement in 12 hrs, go see dr
-if less than 3 movements in 1 hr, go see dr
how deep should amniotic fluid volume be
how deep should amniotic fluid volume index be
2 cm +
5-25 cm +
interpretation of 3rd tri BPP results
8-10: normal, low risk chronic asphyxia
6: suspect chronic asphyxia
4: suspect chronic asphyxia
0-2: strongly suspect chronic asphyxia
what action is taken for score of 6 on BPP
further testing and action depends on gestational age
what action is taken for score of 4 on BPP
if >36 wks deliver
if <32 wks repeat test
what action is taken for score of 2 on BPP
extend testing time to 2 hr
if score is persistently less than 4, deliver asap
what is included on modified BPP
-amniotic fluid volume (>2 cm)
-non stress test (reactive)
intrauterine growth restriction
large baby
2 types of IUGR
-symmetric: baby is small everywhere (caused by genetics or chronic decreased perfusion)
-nonsymmetric: head is normal but abdomen is small (caused by poor placental perfusion due to maternal HTN, diabetes, etc)
what babies are most likely to be macrosomic
babies of diabetic moms
invasive procedures for diagnosis (3)
-chorionic villi sampling
-percutaneous umbilical cord blood sampling (PUBS)
at how many weeks gestation can you do an amniocentesis
how long does it take to get results
14+ weeks
can take 2 wks to get results
at how many weeks gestation can you do a chorionic villi sampling
10-12 wks +
risks of amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling (5)
-accidentally poking cord, placenta, or baby
-could go into labor
-slight increase risk club foot (amnio)
what is talipes equinovarus
technical name for club foot
(slight risk with amniocentesis)
aftercare instructions amniocentesis
-tell dr if fever, contractions, bleeding, leaking fluid
-drink lots of water
what is chorionic villus sampling
testing trophoblasts (fetal DNA) implanted in endometrium
why would a mom do chorionic villus sampling instead of amniocentesis
-mom could terminate pregnancy (abortion) if found out abnormalities
-can do CVS sooner than amnio
what does PUBS test for (in 2nd/3rd tri)
-fetal DNA
-fetal acid base balance
-fetal Hgb and Hct count (anemia)