Anatomy - Pancreas and duodenum Flashcards
Name the 2 branches of the Gastroduodenal artery.
- Right gastroepiploic artery (supplies greater curvature of the stomach). 2. Superior pancreaticoduodenal artery (supplies head of pancreas).
Name the 3 branches of the proper hepatic artery?
- Right hepatic artery. 2. Left hepatic artery. 3. Right gastric artery.
What does the right gastric artery supply?
The lesser curvature of the stomach.
What is a branch of the right hepatic artery?
The cystic artery (supplies the gall bladder).
Name the 4 divisions of the Duodenum.
- Superior. 2. Descending. 3. Inferior. 4. Ascending.
Where in the duodenum are ulcers most likely? And which artery would they affect?
Most likely in the superior duodenum (1st part). If the ulcers erode through the posterior wall they may effect the gastroduodenal artery and cause haemorrhage.
What does the descending portion of the Duodenum lie posteriorly and anteriorly to?
Posteriorly to transverse colon. Anteriorly to the right kidney.
What vessels lie anteriorly to the inferior part of the duodenum? (3rd part)
The superior mesenteric artery and vein.
Is the duodenum retroperitoneal or intraperitoneal?
The duodenal cap is intraperitoneal but the rest of the duodenum is retroperitoneal.
Is the pancreas retroperitoneal or intraperitoneal?
The tail is intraperitoneal but the rest of the pancreas is retroperitoneal.
Name the 5 parts of the Pancreas.
- The head. 2. The uncinate process. 3. The neck. 4. The body. 5. The tail.
What does the tail of the pancreas lie in close proximity to?
The hilum of the spleen.
Why can diseases of the pancreas spread to adjacent tissues?
Because it isn’t contained within a capsule.
What is the blood supply to the head of the pancreas?
The superior and inferior pancraticoduodenal arteries.
What is the superior pancraticoduodenal artery a branch of?
The gastroduodenal artery.
What is the inferior pancraticoduodenal artery a branch of?
The SMA.
What is the blood supply to the rest of the pancreas?
Pancreatic branches of the splenic artery.
What is the venous drainage of the pancreas?
The head drains into the SMV (drains into hepatic portal vein). the pancreatic veins drain the rest of the pancreas (these drain into the splenic vein).
What is the function of the spleen?
In an adult it functions mainly as a blood filter, removing old RBC’s from circulation.
Is the spleen intraperitoneal or retroperitoneal?
What ligaments of the greater omentum connect the spleen to the stomach and kidney?
Gastrosplenic and Splenorenal.
How far away is the major duodenal papilla from the pylorus of the stomach?