Anatomy Flashcards
the greater tubercles and trochanters are (medial/lateral)
structures that cross diaphragm and levels at which they cross
IVC T8, esophagus 10, aorta 12
teres major arm attachment
lesser tuberosity, medial rotation
teres minor arm attachment
greater tuberosity, lateral rotation
boundaries of the quadrilateral space
long head of triceps medially, teres minor superiorly, teres major inferiorly, humerus laterally
what runs through quadrilateral space
axillary nerve and posterior circumflex artery
branches of axillary artery
subscapular, humeral circumflex, brachial
brachialis attachments
humerus to ulna
brachioradialis atachment
lateral epicondyle to radius
boundaries of triangular space
teres major superiorly, long head of triceps medially, humerus laterally
what runs through triangular space
radial nerve and deep brachial artery
the only thenar muscle innervated by ulnar nerve
adductor pollicis
attachments opponens pollicis
attachments abductor pollicis brevis, and side of hand
proximal phalanx, palmar
attachment flexor pollicis brevis
proximal phalanx, palmar
abductor pollicis longus atachments
radius to metacarpal
describe the boutonniere deformity
tear in central slip of extensors. DIP in hyperextension, PIP in flexion
function of external oblique
contralateral rotation of torso
which part of small intestine has denser arcades
femur attachment of psoas major
lesser trochanter
what forms lumbosacral trunk
L4, L5
what part of the vertebrae is the pedicle
between body and transverse process
what part of the vertebrae is the lamina
between transverse and spinal processes
which group of back muscles does micromovements
median umbilical ligament is remnant of
round ligament of the liver is a remnant of
umbilical vein
ovarian tumor can cause referred pain to
piriformis attachments and foramen
sacrum, through greater sciatic foramen, to greater trochanter
obturator internus attachments and foramen
obutrator foramen, exits lesser sciatic foramen, to medial aspect of greater trochanter
roots composing sciatic nerves
lumbosacral trunk (L4, L5), S1-S3
origin of inferior and superior gluteal nerves
sciatic nerve
roots of pudendal nerve
S2-S4, made separate from sciatic
pudendal nerve route
exits greater foramen, re-enters through lesser
branches of internal iliac artery
iliolumbar, superior and infeiror gluteal (both exit greater foramen), internal pudental (leaves and returns), visceral branches (superior vesical artery and obliterated umbilical artery), obturator artery
components of pes anserinus
gracilis, sartorius, semitendinosus
pectineus innervation
femoral nerve, even though it is in medial compartment
gracilis attachments
ischium to medial tibia
sartorius attachments
AIIS to medial tibia
superior gluteal nerve innervates…
TFL, gluteus minimus, medius
superior gemellus innervation
nerve to OI
inferior gemellus innervation
nerve to quadratus femoris
innervation to anterior compartment of leg
deep fibular branch
innervation to lateral compartment of leg
superficial fibular branch
name muscles of anterior compartment of leg
TA (lateral tibia), EDL, EHL, peroneus tertius
origin anterior tibial artery
popliteal artery
name muscles of deep posterior leg
FDL (medial), TP (crosses FDL to navicular), FHL (lateral)
name muscles of lateral compartment of leg
peroneus longus, peroneus brevis
tibia and fibula articulate with ___ at ankle joint
which foot flexor is like FDS
where does CN I leave
cribriform plate
where does CN II leave
optic canal
where does CN III leave
superior orbital fissure
where does CN IV leave
superior orbital fissure
where does CN V1 leave
superior orbital fissure
where does CN V2 leave
where does CN V3 leave
where does CN VI leave
superior orbital fissure
where does where does CN VII leave
internal acoustic meatus and stylomastoid foramen
where does CN VIII leave
internal acoustic meatus, and then external
where does CN IX leave
jugular foramen
where does CN X leave
jugular formamen
where does CN XI leave
jugular formane
where does CN XII leave
hypoglossal canal
what exits the superior orbital fissure
what leaves rotundum
what leaves ovale
what leaves spinosum
what leaves foramen lacerum
ICA (foramen lacerum is aka carotid canal)
what leaves internal acoustic meatus
what leaves external acoustic meatus
what leaves stylomastoid foramen
what leaves jugular foramen
IX, X, XI, internal jugular
what leaves hypoglossal canal
what leaves foramen magnum
vertebral arteries
innervation for most strap muscles
ansa cervicalis (C2-C3). except thyrohyoid (C1)
innervation thyrohyoid
innervation geniohyoid
branches of external carotid
superior thyroid, ascending pharyngeal, lingual, facial, occipital, posterior auricular, maxillary, superior temporal
(“some anatomists like freaking out poor medical students”)
venous drainage of pole of thyroid
superior thyroid vein –> IJV
venous drainage of mid-lateral lobe of thyroid
middle vein –> IJV
venous drainage of inferior portion of thyroid
inferior vein –> brachiocephalic
vestibular fold (false cord) is medial edge of…
quadrangular/aryepiglottic membrane
vocal fold (true cord) is edge of
cricovocal membrane/conus elasticus
motor innervation of larynx
recurrent laryngeal (X) for all muscles except cricothyroid (external branch of superior laryngeal (X))
innervation for cricothyroid
external branch of superior laryngeal nerve (X)
sensory innervation for larynx above vocal folds
internal branch of superior laryngeal nerve
sensory innervation for larynx below vocal folds
recurrent laryngeal
facial nerve branches
temporal, zygomatic, buccal, mandibular, cervical, posterior auricular
(“To Zanzibar By Motor Car, Please”)
parasymapthetic innervation of parotid duct
branches of mandibular nerve (V3, from foramen ovale)
auriculotemporal, inferior alveolar, lingual (joined by chorda tympani [VII]), masseteric (gives off buccal and muscular)
innervation of stylohyoid
innervation of mylohyoid
innervation of digastric
VII for posterior belly, V3 for anterior belly. digastric opens jaw
the only extrinsic tongue muscle not innervated by XII
geniohyoid (C1)
parasympathetic innervation of submandibular and sublingual glands
innervation of parts of pharynx
oropharynx IX. laryngo/hypopharynx X.
innervation of pharyngeal muscles
X, except stylopharyngeus (IX)
innervation of stylopharyngeus
IX, for swallowing
muscle name for UES
bony structure that anchors falx cerebri anteriorly
crista galli
structures that run in lateral walls of cavernous sinuses
structures that run through the cavernus sinus blood
innervation of stapedius
innervation of tensor tympani
innervation levator palabrae superioris
innervation Muller’s muscle (superior tarsal muscle)
name eye muscles not innervated by III
superior oblique (IV) (lateral rectus (VI)
name the muscles of the eye innervated by III
superior, inferior, and medial rectus. inferior oblique