Anatomy 3 - Cardiovascular System • The Vessels Flashcards
What vein does deoxygenated blood enter the heart through
Vena cava
What valve does oxygenated blood flow through to get to the heart
Mitral valve
What artery does blood flow to the brain through
The carotid artery
What in the lungs absorbs carbon dioxide
What is the pulmonary vein connected to
Left atrium
What side of the heart contracts stronger
The left side
What vessel leaves the left ventricle
The aortic arch
What does the carotid supply
The brain
What does the axillary supply
The arms
What does the aorta supply
The torso and the lower limbs
What do arteries branch into
What do arterioles branch into
What do capillaries join to form
What do venules join to form
What happens at capillaries
Gas exchange
What are the branches of the aorta
The brachiocephalic trunk, the left common carotid and the left subclavian
Branches of the brachiocephalic trunk
The right subclavian and the right common carotid
What does the right subclavian supply
The right upper limb
What does the right common carotid supply
The right side of the head and the neck
What does the left common carotid supply
The left side of the head and neck
What supplies the left upper limb
The left subclavian
Arteries of the upper limb
Subclavian -> auxillary -> brachial -> radial and ulnar connected by the common interosseous -> superficial and deep palmer arches -> digital
Arteries of the lower limb
External iliac -> femoral and profunda femoris -> popliteal -> anterior and posterior tibial -> anterior becomes dorsalis pedis and posterior becomes medial and lateral planter arteries
Arteries of the thorax
Thoracic aorta -> deep cervical, superior intercostal, costocervical trunk, bronchial, oesophageal, subcostal, intercostal and the celiac trunk
Arteries of the abdomen
ANTERIOR - Abdominal aorta -> coeliac trunk (->foregut), superior mesenteric (->midgut), and the inferior mesenteric (->hindgut)
LATERAL - Abdominal aorta -> suprarenal, renal and gonadal
POSTEROLATERAL - Abdominal aorta -> lumbar arteries
Abdominal aorta -> common iliac -> external and internal iliac
What artery supplies the kidneys
Coeliac artery
Where does the internal iliac go to
The pelvic organs
Arteries of the head and neck
Common carotid -> external carotid -> facial, posterior occipital, maxillary and superficial temporal
->internal carotid -> anterior and middle cerebral artery
Subclavian -> basilar artery
What structures does the thoracic aorta supply
Oesophagus, pericardium, bronchi, throatic wall and the diaphragm
What from the abdominal aorta supplies the body wall
Lumbar arteries
What does the external iliac supply
The lower limb
What does the external carotid supply
The face, neck and scalp
What does the internal carotid and basilar arteries supply
The brain
What type of blood is involved in the hepatic portal system
Nutrient rich but oxygen poor
What collects blood form the gut
The inferior and superior mesenteric veins
Where does the inferior mesenteric veins send the blood
To the splenic veins which then take it to the hepatic portal vein
Where does the superior mesenteric veins send the blood
Straight to the hepatic portal vein
Where does the hepatic portal vein take the blood
To the liver
What is the livers function with the blood delivered to it
To remove the nutrients and toxins
What does blood leave the liver through
Hepatic veins
From the hepatic veins where does the blood flow to next
The inferior vena cava
Deep veins of the upper limb
Radial and ulnar -> brachial -> axillary -> subclavian
Superficial veins of the upper limb
Cephalic (lateral), basilic (medial) communicate via the median cubital
What vein do the superficial veins of the upper limb drain into
Veins of the head and neck
External jugular, internal jugular and subclavian
What vein does the external jugular drain into
Which vein does the veins of the head and neck drain into
Blood from the thoracic wall drains into
Azygos vein
Where do the right and left brachiocephalic veins drain into
The superior vena cava
What vein does the azygos vein drain into
The superior vena cava
Veins of the abdomen
External and internal iliac -> common iliac -> inferior vena cava
Hepatic portal system blood flow
Superior mesenteric -> hepatic portal vein -> liver-> hepatic veins -> inferior vena cava
Inferior mesenteric vein -> splenic vein -> hepatic portal vein -> liver -> hepatic vein -> inferior vena cava
Lower limb deep veins
Anterior and posterior tibial veins -> popliteal vein -> femoral vein -> external iliac vein
Lower limb superficial veins
Short saphenous vein and great (long) saphenous vein
What vein does the short saphenous vein drain into
What vein does the great saphenous vein drain into