Adult Conditions Flashcards
developmental disparities occur between birth and ___ years of age. it is likely to continue indefinitely and substantially limits the individuals ability to function in three or more of the following major life activities
_________ is Defined by the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (________) as a disability characterized by significant limitations both in intellectual functioning and in adaptive behavior, which covers
many everyday social and practical skills
intellectual disability
- “Intellectual functioning,” also called intelligence, refers to general mental capacity, such as learning, reasoning, problem solving, and so on
- One criterion to measure intellectual functioning is an ____________ test
- Generally, a test score of _______ indicates a limitation in intellectual functioning
- Standardized tests can also determine limitations in adaptive behavior
intelligence quotient (IQ)
70 to 75
a group of disorders characterized by impaired muscle activity and coordination present at birth or developed during childhood ?
cerebral palsy
cerebral palsy recent population-based studies from around the world report prevalence estimates of CP
ranging from ___to___ per _____ live births
or children.
1 to nearly 4
Cerebral palsy can be classified according to the________________ or according to the _________ involved
what are the types?
type of abnormal muscle tone or movement
region of the body
- spastic CP
- athetoid CP
- ataxic CP
- mixed CP
Spastic cerebral palsy (____% of cases)
- Extremities involved: ???
- Neurologic dysfunction: ???
Diplegia (mainly both lower extremities)
quadriplegia (all four extremities plus trunk and neck)
hemiplegia (one arm and one leg on same side of body)
Athetoid cerebral palsy (____% of cases)
* Extremities involved: ???
* Neurologic dysfunction: ???
Ataxic cerebral palsy (____% of cases)
* Extremities Involved: ???
* Neurologic dysfunction: ???
Atonic diplegia or congenital cerebellar ataxia
Mixed cerebral palsy: ???
A combination of the three types listed
Cerebral Palsy
- Cure ?
- Most individuals with CP will experience some form of _______ by the time they reach their 40’s
* The developmental delays that often accompany CP keep some __________ from developing to their full capacity and level of performance
* As a consequence, organ systems such as the cardiovascular system and pulmonary system have to work harder
- no known cure
- premature aging
- organ systems
CP Energy intake may require adjustment based on the individual’s metabolism (amount of activity, muscle tone) in order to help achieve a desirable weight or weight range
- _______________ are of particular concern
Respiratory and GI conditions
Spina Bifida Is a neural tube defect that presents in
a number of ways, the types are …?
- (spinal cord doesn’t go into lesion)
myelomeningocele (MM)
- (spinal cord goes into lesion)
spina bifida occulta
- (no bubble looking lesion)
What is the most common form of Spina Bifida?
- occurs between ___-____ days gestation, with the date of occurrence affecting the _______
26-30 days
location of lesion
Spina Bifida Lesion may occur in the
- _________, ________, or _______ area
- higher the lesion, the ______ is the paralysis
thoracic, lumbar, or sacral area