ACE Formulas Flashcards
What is the Karvonen formula for heart rate reserve?
- 220-age = predicted MHR
- predicted MHR - RHR = HRR
- (HRR x %intensity) + RHR = THR
How do you calculate desired body weight?
- 100% - body fat % = lean body %
- body weight x lean body % = LBW
- 100% - desired fat % = desired lean body %
- LBW divided by desired lean % = desired body weight
How do you calculate waist to hip ratio?
waist measurement divided by hip measurement
What is the metric BMI formula?
weight kg x height m2
what is the standard BMI formula?
(weight lbs x703 divided by height inches) divided by height inches
How do you calculate predicted 1RM?
pounds lifted divided by 1RM%
How do you calculate someones daily calorific deficit needed to achieve a desired weight in a specific amount of weeks?
- (desired weight loss lbs x 3500 kcal) divided by number of weeks = weekly calorie deficit
- weekly calorie deficit divided by 7 days = daily calorie deficit
A 220lb individual with 30% body fat, how much will they weight at 25% body fat?
187lbs at their DBW
- 100% - 30% = 70%
- 200lbs x 0.70 = 140lbs lean body weight
- 100% - 25% = 75%
- 140lbs / 0.75 = 187lbs desired body weight
What is the BMI for a 5’ 8”, 196 lb individual?
- (5 x 12) + 8 = 68” height
- 196 / 2.2 = 89kg
- (68” x 2.54) / 100 = 1.73m
- 89kg / (1.73m x 1.73m) = 30 rounded up
How do you calculate the standard BMI Formula?
- weight in lbs x 703
- convert height to inches ((feet’ x 12”) + leftover inches’)
- divide (weight in lbs x 703) twice by the height in inches
How do you calculate the standard formula BMI for a 5’ 8” 196 pound individual?
- 196 lbs x 703 = 137,788
- (5 x 12) + 8 = 68”
- 137.788 / 68” = 2026.3
- 2026.3 / 68” = 29.7 = 30
Your client can perform 10 reps (10RM) with 150lbs, what is their predicted 1RM? How did you calculate?
200lbs Predicted 1RM
- 10RM / 0.75 = 1RM
- 150 / 0.75 = 200lbs
A 34 year old has a resting heart rate of 62 bpm which is 75% of heart rate reserve, what is their target HR? How did you calculate?
155 BPM
- 220 - 34 = 186 bpm
- 186 - 62 = 124
- (124 x 0.75) + 62 = 155
What is the caloric (KCAL) values per gram of fat, carbs, protein and alcohol?
Fat = 9 Carbs = 4 Alcohol = 7 Protein = 4
A nutrition label values 36g carbs, 11g protein and 8g fat - how do you calculate the total calories?
- carbs calories = 36g x 4cal/g = 144
- protein calories = 11g x 4cal/g = 44
- fat calories = 8g x 9cal/g = 72
- 144 + 44 + 72 = 260 total cals
How would you calculate the % of cals for a specific food group in a product? (use e.g carbs)
- figure out total carb calories by doing grams of carb x 4cal/g
- carb calories / total cals = % of calories from carbs
How many cals is 1 pound of body fat?
3500 kcal
An individual wants to lose 15lbs in 20 weeks, what daily caloric deficit is required to reach this? How did you calculate?
375 kcal deficit a day
- (15lbs x 3500 kcal) / 20 weeks = 2625 kcal per week
- 2625 / 7 = 375 kcal per day
How do you get an age predicted max heart rate?
220 - age = MHR
How do you get a Target Heart Rate?
MHR x % intensity = THR
A 34 year old wants to work at 75% intensity, what is their target heart rate for this?
139.5 BPM
- 220 - 34 = 186
- 186 x 0.75 = 139.5 BPM
When multiplying by decimals, where do you move the decimal point in the final answer?
2 places to the left
When dividing by a percent, where do you move the decimal before starting long division?
2 places to the right
When dividing a bigger number into a smaller number, what must you add?
a decimal point and at least 2 zeros at the end of the smaller number
How do you calculate Q (cardiac output)?