7-Ops-7.4 Attached Garage Fires Flashcards
According to the BFES Operations manual, When first arriving at a scene involving an attached garage fire, what is the primary responsibility of the first arriving pump/squad?
a. Perform search and rescue
b. Establish Command
c. Position the apparatus at the address involved
d. Secure water supply for the aerial apparatus
According to the BFES Operations manual, What should the first arriving pump/squad do if a deck gun attack is utilized?
a. Position the apparatus at the corner of the building
b. Occupy the front of the address
c. Maintain space for an aerial
d. Conduct a forward lay for water supply
o If a deck gun attack is utilized, the apparatus may need to occupy the front of the address as an alternative to leaving it for an aerial apparatus
According to the BFES Operations manual, In case obvious signs of a working fire are visible en route, what water supply method should be considered by the first arriving pump/squad?
a. Relay pump to the second arriving pump/squad
b. Forward lay
c. Use the onboard water tank
d. Establish a water shuttle operation
o Where obvious signs of a working fire are visible enroute, consideration should be given to a forward lay as this involves minimal personnel.
According to the BFES Operations manual, If the garage has not vented, what action should be taken by the first arriving pump/squad?
a. Open all doors for better visibility
b. Apply agent through a small hole in the garage door
c. Call for additional aerial support
d. Evacuate the building immediately
* If the garage has not vented, consider this a compartment fire, apply agent through a small hole in the garage door before final extinguishment. If the garage has an exterior access door this may also be used.
According to the BFES Operations manual, Where should the second arriving pump/squad position the apparatus in an attached garage fire?
a. At the front of the building
b. By a second hydrant
c. Adjacent to the garage door
d. On the opposite side of the street
* Position apparatus by a second hydrant, maintaining space for an aerial
According to the BFES Operations manual, When is the second arriving pump/squad required to secure their own water supply in an attached garage fire?
a. Before the first arriving pump/squad
b. After ensuring the initial arriving pump/squad has secured water
c. Simultaneously with the first arriving pump/squad
d. Only if the first hydrant or pump fails
* Secure your own water supply (in case first hydrant or pump fails). This shall be done after ensuring the initial arriving pump class apparatus has secured their own water source.
o Second water supply should be a blue tagged hydrant if initial apparatus is connected to a hydrant with less flow
* May be required to relay pump to the first arriving pump class apparatus on a split lay when instructed by the IC (distance too great from hydrant to fire)
According to the BFES Operations manual, What is the primary responsibility of the second arriving pump/squad when in Fast Attack Position in an attached garage fire?
a. Assume Command
b. Secure water supply for the first arriving pump/squad
c. Enter the house with a hose line
d. Relay pump to the aerial apparatus
* Assume Command from the first arriving apparatus if they are in Fast Attack Position
According to the BFES Operations manual, In case the initial apparatus is connected to a hydrant with less flow, what type of hydrant should the second water supply be in an attached garage fire?
a. Red-tagged hydrant
b. Yellow-tagged hydrant
c. Blue-tagged hydrant
d. Green-tagged hydrant
o Second water supply should be a blue tagged hydrant if initial apparatus is connected to a hydrant with less flow
According to the BFES Operations manual, What is the first arriving aerial’s primary responsibility in accessing the structure in an attached garage fire?
a. Tactical ventilation
b. rescue
c. Elevated Master Stream
d. Forcible entry
e. Both b&c
* Position apparatus to access the structure for:
o Rescue
o Elevated Master Stream
According to the BFES Operations manual, In addition to an elevated master stream, what other purpose does the aerial device serve in an attached garage fire?
a. Rapid deployment of firefighters
b. Tactical ventilation
c. Water supply for the pump/squad
d. Mobile command center
* Position apparatus to access the structure for:
o Rescue
o Elevated Master Stream
* Provide second means of firefighter egress with aerial device or ground ladders
* Forcible Entry
* Perform search and rescue
* Tactical ventilation
According to the BFES Operations manual, What should the first arriving aerial provide as a second means of firefighter egress in an attached garage fire?
a. Emergency exit doors
b. Ground ladders
c. Fire escape routes
d. Elevator access
* Provide second means of firefighter egress with aerial device or ground ladders
According to the BFES Operations manual, what is an additional consideration for garage fire because of vehicle hazards?
A) Call hazmat
B) consider defensive operations
C) consider upwind attack
D) consider large volume hose
Additional Considerations
A fire in the garage may involve a vehicle with all the attendant hazards of a vehicle fire. Officers should consider using large volume hose 65mm for initial knock down if faced with a large volume of fire.