11- Corp Policies- Respectful Workplace Flashcards
What is the City committed to promoting in its work environment?
a) Strict rules and regulations
b) A vibrant, healthy, safe, and compassionate work environment
c) Competitive work culture
d) Discrimination and harassment
The City is committed to promoting a vibrant, healthy, safe and compassionate work
environment where everyone is treated fairly, with respect, Civility, and is free from
Harassment or Discrimination.
What should the Respectful Workplace Policy be read in conjunction with?
a) Environmental Policy
b) Workplace Efficiency Policy
c) Occupational Health and Safety Policy, Workplace Violence Prevention Policy, and the Employee Code of Conduct
d) Employee Benefits Policy
This Policy is supported by the accompanying Preventing and Addressing
Harassment and Discrimination Standard Operating Procedure, and Issue
Resolution Process, and should be read in conjunction with the Occupational Health
and Safety Policy, Workplace Violence Prevention Policy, and the Employee Code
of Conduct – which is about our values, principles and standards of behaviour that
govern our actions.
What is the purpose of the accompanying Preventing and Addressing Harassment and Discrimination Standard Operating Procedure?
a) To complicate matters
b) To define the behaviors expected of City Employees
c) To promote discrimination
d) To make the workplace unsafe
The purpose of this Council Policy is to:
2.1 Define the behaviours that are expected of all City Employees in support of a
physically and psychologically safe and healthy work environment; and,
2.2 Comply with the City’s legislative responsibilities under the Ontario Human
Rights Code, Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, and the
Occupational Health and Safety Act respecting Harassment and
According to the Council Policy, what is the purpose of defining expected behaviors?
a) To make the workplace boring
b) To support a physically and psychologically unsafe work environment
c) To support a physically and psychologically safe and healthy work environment
d) To encourage discrimination
1 Define the behaviours that are expected of all City Employees in support of a
physically and psychologically safe and healthy work environment;
Which legislative responsibilities does the City aim to comply with concerning harassment and discrimination?
a) City Charter
b) Workplace Efficiency Act
c) Ontario Human Rights Code, Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, and Occupational Health and Safety Act
d) Environmental Protection Act
Comply with the City’s legislative responsibilities under the Ontario Human
Rights Code, Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, and the
Occupational Health and Safety Act respecting Harassment and
To whom does the Council Policy apply?
a) Full-time employees
b) Employees and members of the public
c) Members of Council
d) Vendors and suppliers only
e)All of the above
This Council Policy applies to:
3.1 Employees (including but not limited to service contractors, students and
3.2 Members of Council;
3.3 Vendors and suppliers; and,
3.4 Members of the public (including citizen members of committees)
Who are considered Workplace Parties under the Respectful Workplace Policy?
a) Only Employees
b) Employees, Joint Health and Safety Committees, and unions
c) Members of Council only
d) Only service contractors
e) All of the above
This Council Policy applies to:
3.1 Employees (including but not limited to service contractors, students and
3.2 Members of Council;
3.3 Vendors and suppliers; and,
3.4 Members of the public (including citizen members of committees)
What is NOT an exception to Workplace Harassment?
a) Actions to correct performance deficiencies
b) Imposing remedies for Workplace infractions
c) Difference of opinion or difference in perspective with immediate risk of harm
d) Workplace interactions that are legitimate and reasonable in day-to-day work
3.5.1 Workplace Harassment should not be confused with Workplace
interactions that are legitimate and reasonable in day-to-day work,
including but not limited to:
a) Actions to correct performance deficiencies;
b) Imposing remedies for Workplace infractions, including discipline;
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c) Difference of opinion or difference in perspective on how the work
may be organized, performed or improved and where there is no
immediate risk of harm or injury.
What is the main goal of the Council Policy?
a) To encourage Harassment and Discrimination
b) To establish and maintain a physically and psychologically unsafe work environment
c) To establish and maintain a physically and psychologically safe and healthy work environment free from Harassment and Discrimination
d) To limit diversity in the workplace
Establish and maintain a physically and psychologically safe and healthy work
environment free from Harassment and Discrimination for all individuals.
What are the characteristics of workplaces mentioned in the Council Policy?
a) Unhealthy and discriminatory
b) Safe, disrespectful, and divisive
c) Safe, inclusive, diverse, and respectful
d) Unpleasant and toxic
Workplaces where all individuals are treated with respect, Civility and dignity,
in an inclusive, diverse and safe work environment
In which manner should workplaces champion customer service, according to the Council Policy?
a) In a rude and disrespectful manner
b) In a divisive and discriminatory manner
c) In a safe and respectful manner
d) In an exclusive and unhealthy manner
Workplaces which are marked by positive experiences championing customer
service in a safe and respectful manner.
According to the Council Policy, what should the City and Employees comply with regarding Harassment and Discrimination?
a) International standards only
b) Occupational Health and Safety Act only
c) Ontario Human Rights Code, Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, and Occupational Health and Safety Act
d) City Charter
The City and Employees will comply with the Ontario Human Rights Code,
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, and the Occupational Health
and Safety Act, with respect to Harassment and Discrimination.
What should workplaces celebrate, according to the Council Policy?
a) Uniformity and conformity
b) Diversity and belonging
c) Discrimination and exclusion
d) Workplace conflicts
Workplaces that celebrate diversity and foster a sense of belonging in
Employees enhancing mutual respect and inclusion of all regardless of race,
creed, denomination, gender, orientation, family status, race or sexual identity,
etc., as outlined under the Ontario Human Rights Code.
What is the basis of Respect and Civility, as per the Council Policy?
a) Discrimination and Harassment
b) Showing esteem, dignity, care, and compassion for others
c) Exclusion and divisiveness
d) Workplace conflicts
All individuals have the right to work or access services in a positive,
healthy, safe and respectful environment. This means that differences
in perspective are acknowledged and valued and communications and
actions are civil. Respect and Civility are based on showing esteem,
dignity, care and compassion for others.
What is the responsibility for creating a culture where everyone is treated fairly?
a) Solely the employees
b) Solely the management
c) Solely the Human Resources department
d) A shared responsibility among all individuals
It is a shared responsibility among all individuals to create a culture
where everyone is treated fairly, and with compassion, where
differences are acknowledged and valued and where communications
and actions are civil.
What is the stance on Workplace Harassment or Discrimination, according to the Council Policy?
a) Tolerated, condoned, or ignored
b) Ignored only
c) Strictly prohibited
d) Allowed in certain situations
Workplace Harassment or Discrimination in any form from any
individual will not be tolerated, condoned, or ignored.
What does the City commit to in collaboration with its Workplace Parties and members of the public?
a) Discrimination and Harassment
b) A Discrimination-free, Harassment-free, and Respectful Workplace
c) Workplace inefficiency
d) Encouragement of workplace conflicts
The City is committed to work in collaboration with its Workplace Parties and
members of the public to create a Discrimination-free, Harassment-free, and
Respectful Workplace. This is achieved by complying with Ontario Human
Rights Code, Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, and Occupational
Health and Safety Act,
How does the Council Policy aim to prevent Harassment and Discrimination?
a) By promoting discrimination
b) By actively recognizing and valuing diversity and inclusion
c) By discouraging diversity
d) By avoiding conflict resolution
Preventing Harassment and Discrimination by actively recognizing and
valuing diversity and inclusion, learning conflict resolution and providing
essential training for Employees
What should the City address wherever its business is being conducted?
a) Customer service only
b) Harassment and Discrimination only
c) Workplace Harassment and Discrimination, including early identification and taking corrective actions, as necessary
d) Workplace conflicts only
Addressing inappropriate behaviour wherever the City business is being
conducted including early identification and taking corrective actions, as
What will the City not tolerate, ignore, or condone?
a) Respectful workplace behaviors
b) Discrimination and Harassment of any of its Employees in the Workplace by anyone
c) Workplace conflicts
d) Employee Code of Conduct violations
The City will not tolerate, ignore, or condone any form of Discrimination, and/or
Harassment of any of its Employees in the Workplace by anyone, including
other Employees, members of Council, members of the public,
customers/clients, volunteers, vendors and suppliers.
When a complaint is made to anyone other than Human Resources, what should the Supervisor do?
a) Ignore the complaint
b) Report the complaint to Human Resources promptly
c) Document the complaint and take corrective action
d) Notify the Chief Administrative Officer
When a complaint is made to anyone other than Human Resources, the
Supervisor or the member of management will promptly advise Human
Resources of the complaint.
What should be maintained wherever possible in incidents or complaints?
a) Conflict resolution
b) Confusion
c) Confidentiality
d) Workplace conflicts
Confidentiality will be maintained wherever possible. Out of respect for
Workplace Parties involved, it is essential that the Workplace Parties involved
in a complaint or Investigation, maintain confidentiality throughout the process.
Information may need to be disclosed to protect Employees, to investigate the
incident or complaint, to take corrective action, or otherwise required by law.
According to the Council Policy, what right do all individuals have without fear of Reprisal?
a) The right to discriminate
b) The right to ignore the policy
c) The right to report or act as a witness in good faith incidents or complaints of Harassment or Discrimination
d) The right to engage in workplace conflicts
All individuals have the right to report or act as a witness, in good faith,
incidents or complaints of Harassment or Discrimination without fear of
Reprisal. Where it is confirmed that an incident of substantiated Harassment or
Discrimination behaviour has occurred, corrective action taken will not be
considered a Reprisal.
What support systems are mentioned for individuals involved in Harassment or Discrimination incidents or complaints?
a) Employee and Family Assistance Program only
b) Peer Support Network only
c) Counselling or rehabilitation from the Employee and Family Assistance Program and Peer Support Network
d) No support systems mentioned
The City recognizes that involvement in Harassment or Discrimination
incidents or complaints may be stressful and emotionally upsetting. All affected
individuals are encouraged to seek counselling or rehabilitation from the
following support systems:
6.8.1 Employee and Family Assistance Program; and,
6.8.2 Peer Support Network, where available.
What is the responsibility of Senior Leaders according to the Council Policy?
a) To promote Discrimination and Harassment
b) To ensure a Respectful Workplace Policy is not in place
c) To ensure a Respectful Workplace Policy is in place and reviewed annually
d) To ignore the Council Policy
7.1 Senior Leaders
7.1.1 Ensure a Respectful Workplace Policy is in place and reviewed at least
once, annually, and a program is in place to implement this Policy; and,
7.1.2 Comply with section 7.2 Roles and Responsibilities for Supervisors if
incidents were reported by direct reports.
What should Supervisors do in collaboration with Human Resources?
a) Ignore Harassment or Discrimination incidents
b) Take no action on observations or allegations of Harassment or Discrimination
c) Address, investigate, and deal with incidents or complaints to ensure measures and procedures are taken to protect Employees
d) Avoid addressing incidents or complaints
Read section 7.2 (important
What responsibility do Employees have according to the Council Policy?
a) To ignore training and compliance with the policy
b) To create and maintain a negative workplace
c) To report incidents or complaints of Workplace Harassment and Discrimination to their Supervisor, Human Resources, or any member of management promptly
d) To engage in workplace conflicts
7.3.1 Create and maintain a positive and Respectful Workplace while being a
role model for others;
7.3.2 Ensure behaviour is respectful and appropriate at all times;
7.3.3 Accept responsibility for any actions, reactions, behaviours and impact
on others;
7.3.4 Understand, participate in training, comply with this Policy and the
accompanying program;
7.3.5 Review this Policy at least once annually;
Respectful Workplace Policy Page 7 of 13
7.3.6 Report experienced or witnessed incidents or complaints to their
Supervisor, Human Resources or any member of management;
7.3.7 Where the incident or complaint involves their Supervisor, report the
matter to the next level of management, Human Resources, or any
member of management;
7.3.8 Document details of Harassment or Discrimination that are experienced
or witnessed; and,
7.3.9 Cooperate with Investigations of incidents or complaints
What is the role of Human Resources in the Respectful Workplace Policy?
a) To promote Harassment and Discrimination
b) To avoid receiving incidents or complaints
c) To prepare, maintain, and facilitate the review of the policy annually
d) To discourage diversity and inclusion
Prepare, maintain and facilitate the review of this Policy at least once,
7.4.2 Develop and maintain a program to implement this Policy in
consultation with Workplace Parties, and review the program as often
as necessary;
7.4.3 Receive all incidents or complaints of Harassment and Discrimination,
and support the appropriate party to address and / or investigate, if
7.4.4 Facilitate informal resolutions, mediations, and Investigations, as
7.4.5 Engage the Harassment / Discrimination Response Team to identify
corrective actions for the consistent resolution of incidents or
7.4.6 Inform the Complainant and Respondent, in writing, of the outcome of
the Investigation and the corrective action, if any, that has been / will be
taken as a result of the Investigation; and,
7.4.7 Offer Respectful Workplace Program training and other requisite
training programs (e.g., Workplace Investigations), as prescribed by the
Ontario Human Rights Code and Occupational Health and Safety Act.
What role does the Joint Health and Safety Committee play?
a) No role
b) Assist in developing and maintaining the program to implement the Respectful Workplace Policy
c) Monitor Employees’ compliance
d) Ignore workplace safety
Joint Health and Safety Committee
7.5.1 Assist in developing and maintaining the program to implement the
Respectful Workplace Policy
What must Supervisors do regarding Employees’ compliance with the Respectful Workplace Policy?
a) Ignore it
b) Monitor their compliance on an ongoing basis
c) Encourage non-compliance
d) Discourage compliance
Supervisors must monitor their Employees’ compliance with this Policy on an
ongoing basis.
What must operating departments keep records for?
a) Tracking Employees’ vacations
b) Verifying compliance with the Respectful Workplace Policy
c) Tracking Employees’ overtime
d) Ignoring compliance
Operating departments must keep Records to verify compliance with this
Policy in case of periodic reviews by Human Resources.
How often should the Policy and the accompanying program be reviewed by Corporate Leadership Team?
a) Never
b) Monthly
c) Annually
d) As per individual preference
The Policy and the accompanying program must be reviewed at least once,
annually by Corporate Leadership Team to ensure its effectiveness and to
comply with legislation.
What are the consequences of non-compliance?
a) Rewards and promotions
b) Corrective action, including termination of employment and reporting incidents to the Police
c) No consequences
d) Ignoring non-compliance
8.4.1 Failure to follow this Council Policy, or if found to have launched a
complaint that is false, frivolous, or made in bad faith may result in
corrective action which may include:
a) termination of employment;
b) prohibition from the City property;
c) having the incident reported to the Police; and / or,
d) other action as appropriate.
What is required before taking an alternate approach?
a) A written apology
b) A meeting with all involved parties
c) Written approval from the Chief Administrative Officer and Director, Human Resources
d) Ignoring the policy
Circumstances may exist where the provisions of this Policy may not
apply or may require an alternate course of action. In these
circumstances, written approval from the Chief Administrative Officer
and Director, Human Resources is required prior to any alternate
What does ‘Civility’ mean in the Respectful Workplace Policy?
a) Discrimination
b) Disrespectful behavior
c) Showing regard for others and being considerate
d) Workplace conflicts
‘Civility’ means the act of showing regard for others, being considerate in your
interactions, and recognizing the inherent value of each individual in the
Who is the ‘Complainant’ in the context of the Council Policy?
a) The person responsible for Harassment or Discrimination
b) The person alleging that Harassment or Discrimination has occurred
c) The person witnessing Harassment or Discrimination
d) A member of Council
‘Complainant’ means the individual who is alleging that Harassment or
Discrimination has occurred.
What is ‘Discrimination’ defined as in the Respectful Workplace Policy?
a) Equal treatment based on the Ontario Human Rights Code
b) Intentional unequal treatment based on one or more Protected Grounds
c) Inclusion and diversity
d) Workplace conflicts
Discrimination’ means any form of unequal treatment based on one or more
Protected Grounds under the Ontario Human Rights Code that results in
disadvantage, whether imposing extra burdens or denying benefits. It may be
intentional or unintentional. It may involve direct actions that are discriminatory
on the surface, or it may involve rules, practices or procedures that appear
neutral, but have the effect of disadvantaging certain groups of people.
Examples include but are not limited to:
9.3.1 a Workplace adopts a rule of not hiring women who wish to start a
9.3.2 a Workplace instructs staff not to take applications from job seekers
from a certain ethnic background; and
9.3.3 an Employee is not promoted because of their race.
See Section 9.10 definition for a full list of Protected Grounds
What is the definition of ‘Employee’ in the Respectful Workplace Policy?
a) Only full-time employees
b) Only part-time employees
c) Anyone who performs work or supplies services for monetary or no monetary compensation
d) Only contractors
‘Employee’ means any of the following:
9.4.1 a person who performs work or supplies services for monetary
9.4.2 a secondary school student who performs work or supplies services for
no monetary compensation under a work experience program
authorized by the school board that operates the school in which the
student is enrolled;
9.4.3 a person who performs work or supplies services for no monetary
compensation under a program approved by a college, university,
private career college or other post-secondary institution; or,
9.4.4 such other persons as may be prescribed who perform work or supply
services to an employer for no monetary compensation.
How is ‘Harassment’ defined in the Respectful Workplace Policy?
a) Any action taken by an employer or Supervisor
b) Engaging in a course of vexatious comments or conduct that is known or ought reasonably to be known, to be unwelcome
c) Workplace conflicts only
d) Complimenting colleagues
Harassment’ means engaging in a course of vexatious comments or conduct
that are known or ought reasonably to be known, to be unwelcome. It can
involve words or actions that are known or should be known to be
discriminative, offensive, embarrassing, humiliating or demeaning. It can also
involve Sexual Harassment (see definition below). Harassment does not
include reasonable action taken by an employer or Supervisor relating to the
management and direction of Employees or the Workplace. Examples include
but are not limited to:
9.5.1 Sexual harassment;
Respectful Workplace Policy Page 10 of 13
9.5.2 Persistent following / stalking;
9.5.3 Persistent verbal abuse or threats;
9.5.4 Persistently disrupting an individual’s work, workspace, equipment or
interfering with their personal property;
9.5.5 Jokes, derogatory or dismissive comments based on Protected
9.5.6 Gestures that are insulting or belittling;
9.5.7 Circulating, displaying written or pictorial material that is offensive or
9.5.8 Acts or verbal comments that could mentally hurt or isolate a person in
the workplace, such as: spreading malicious rumours, isolating
someone socially or undermining or deliberately impeding a person’s
work (i.e., bullying);
9.5.9 Pornography, pin-ups, offensive cartoons; and,
9.5.10 Taunts or threats directed toward any member of a protected group.
Note: Please consult the Workplace Violence Prevention Policy for any
incidents which involve the exercise of, or threat of physical force.
Who is part of the ‘Harassment / Discrimination Response Team’?
a) Human Resources
b) relevant Supervisors
c) A group of relevant individuals to determine appropriate corrective action
d) the Chief Administrative Officer
e) All of the Above
‘Harassment / Discrimination Response Team’ is comprised of but not
limited to relevant Supervisor, relevant operating Department Head if required,
Human Resources Business Partner, Labour Relations Advisor, Human
Resources Director if required, and Chief Administrative Officer if required, to
determine the appropriate corrective action.
What does ‘Investigation’ mean in the context of the Respectful Workplace Policy?
a) Ignoring incidents or complaints
b) The steps taken to determine whether a violation of the Policy has occurred
c) Encouraging discrimination
d) Workplace conflicts
‘Investigation’ means the steps taken that are appropriate in the
circumstance to determine whether a violation of the Policy, has on a balance
of probabilities, occurred.
What is the definition of the ‘Joint Health and Safety Committee’?
a) A committee of management representatives only
b) A committee of Employee and supervisory representatives committed to improving health and safety conditions
c) A committee to ignore health and safety issues
d) A committee to create a hostile work environment
‘Joint Health and Safety Committee’ means a committee of Employee and
supervisory representatives who are mutually committed to improving health
and safety conditions in the workplace. Committees meet on a regular basis to
identify potential health and safety issues and bring them to the employer’s
attention, and conduct workplace inspections monthly
Who does ‘Member of Council’ refer to?
a) Only elected officials
b) Only appointed officials
c) Any elected or appointed official on Council, including the Mayor
d) Only the Mayor
’Member of Council’ refers to any elected or appointed official on Council,
including the Mayor
What are the ‘Ontario Human Rights Code Protected Grounds’?
a) A list of suggestions for workplaces
b) A list of discriminatory practices
c) A list of prohibited grounds of discrimination
d) A list of suggestions for discriminatory practices
.10 ‘Ontario Human Rights Code Protected Grounds’: as amended means the
prohibition of actions that discriminate or harass people based on one or more
of the following:
Respectful Workplace Policy Page 11 of 13
9.10.1 Age
9.10.2 Ancestry
9.10.3 Colour
9.10.4 Race
9.10.5 Citizenship
9.10.6 Ethnic origin
9.10.7 Place of origin
9.10.8 Creed
9.10.9 Disability
9.10.10 Family status
9.10.11 Marital status (including single status)
9.10.12 Gender identity, gender expression
9.10.13 Record of offences (in employment only)
9.10.14 Sex (including pregnancy and breastfeeding)
9.10.15 Sexual Orientation