13-EHS- Section 4 Flashcards
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, What are the three parts of a typical electrical system?
a. Generation, Transmission, Distribution
b. Voltage, Current, Resistance
c. Wood Structures, Steel Structures, Concrete Structures
d. Poles, Insulators, Conductors
There are three parts to a typical electrical system; Generation, Transmission and Distribution. Electricity is transported throughout the province of Ontario by transmission systems. Transmission lines bring power into cities on wood structures, or steel towers at voltages from 69,000 to 500,000
volts. The design can vary from a single wood pole for 69,000 to 115,000 volts to steel structures for 115,000 to 500,000 volts
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, What is the primary purpose of transmission lines?
a. Distribute electricity to homes
b. Transmit electricity over long distances
c. Generate electricity from renewable sources
d. Regulate voltage in the power grid
lines bring power into cities on wood structures, or steel towers at voltages from 69,000 to 500,000 volts
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, At what voltages do transmission lines typically operate in Ontario?
a. 1,000 V - 10,000 V
b. 69,000 V - 500,000 V
c. 115 V - 230 V
d. 1,000,000 V - 5,000,000 V
at voltages from 69,000 to 500,000
volts. The design can vary from a single wood pole for 69,000 to 115,000 volts to steel structures for
115,000 to 500,000 volts
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, How is the voltage of a transmission line determined when working in close proximity?
a. Measure it with a handheld device
b. Contact Hydro One and provide alphanumeric number on the steel structure or pole
c. Count the number of insulators
d. Check the color of the power lines
Determine the
voltage by contacting Hydro One and providing
the alpha numeric (number) found on the leg of the steel structure or the pole.
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, What is the recommended distance to keep from live high voltage transmission lines?
a. 6 meters
b. 10 meters
c. 20 meters
d. 50 meters
An easy to remember rule for working around
live high voltage transmission lines is to keep at least 6 meters (20 t) away. If you need to work closer, first determine the voltage.
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, What is the purpose of bell-type insulators on power lines?
a. To support the structure
b. To carry the conductor on top
c. To enhance aesthetics
d. To prevent corrosion
Bell-type insulators are suspended from the structure with the conductor running on the bottom of the stack of insulators.
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, In the distribution system, what voltages are common for local distribution transformers?
a. 69,000 V - 500,000 V
b. 2,400 V - 44,000 V
c. 120/240 V - 347/600 V
d. 500,000 V - 1,000,000 V
From a substation the voltages are reduced to 2,400 to 44,000 volts for distribution to local
distribution transformers
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, Where is the Hydro One pole number typically located?
a. On the ground
b. On the transformer
c. On a silver plate about 1.5 meters from the ground
d. On the insulators
For example, Hydro One Networks’ pole
number is a six character alpha numeric code
located on a silver plate about 1.5 metres (5 t)
from the ground. This number identifies location as well as valuable information about equipment on the pole.
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, What is the purpose of fuse cutouts in distribution systems?
a. To measure voltage
b. To prevent damage to transformers and customer equipment
c. To store energy
d. To regulate current flow
The fuse cutout acts like a circuit breaker in a house. If there is a power surge or short in the
line, the fuse cutout will blow open preventing
damage to the transformer and customers’ equipment. Other equipment that is found in distribution systems includes switches, regulators and capacitors.
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, What is the function of reclosers in power line protection?
a. Open circuits permanently
b. Automatically close and re-energize the power line after a fault
c. Measure voltage fluctuations
d. Control distribution transformers
Both transmission and distribution power lines are protected by automatics circuit breakers and by “Reclosers” shown here. When a power line is tripped out (i.e. open)
due to a fault, the automatic breaker or recloser will, after a short period of time (typically a fracion of a second to minutes), attempt to close and re-energize the power line
What type of insulator is used for 44,000 volts or less on distribution power lines?
a) Pin-type insulator
b) Bell-type insulator
c) Composite insulator
d) Steel insulator
The power lines
are attached by insulators to prevent the low of electricity to the ground. Pin type insulators carrythe conductor on top and are used for 44,000 volts or less.
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, What information does the Hydro One Networks’ pole number provide?
a) Voltage of the power line
b) Location and equipment details
c) The number of insulator bells
d) Type of wood used in the pole
This number identifies location as well as valuable information about equipment on
the pole. Emergency responders are not to place themselves in a dangerous situation to get the number
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, What precaution should be taken when using water on electrical fires involving wood pole structures?
a) Apply water directly to the pole
b) Wear minimal protective gear
c) Keep at least 10 meters away from the base of the poles
d) Use foam as a fire suppressant
Keep Back Minimum 10 m (33 t)
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, What is the minimum safe distance for applying water to live electrical equipment with a voltage of 15,000 volts?
a) 1.5 meters
b) 4 meters
c) 7 meters
d) 10 meters
751 to 15,000 4 metres (13 t)
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, When encountering fallen wires, what distance should emergency responders keep bystanders back from the wires?
a) 2 meters
b) 5 meters
c) 10 meters
d) 15 meters
Stand well back, at least 10 metres (33 t) or more away. Look for and locate all wire ends. They may be on the ground or suspended in the air. If a live wire touches a car, truck, metal fence or any other conducive object that object will also be capable of killing people. A pool of water will also become deadly if a live wire has fallen into it. Keep bystanders back at least 10 metres (33 t).Establish the safe zone, at least 10 metres (33 t) away from wires and anything the wires may be touching. If a wire has fallen onto a fence or metal object, electricity may be conducted to other points some distance away. You will need to ensure all potentially electrified objects are inaccessible. Inform other emergency responders of the hazards.
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, How should occupants jump clear of a vehicle if it is in contact with live wires?
a) Keep both feet together and hop
b) Jump with both feet spread apart
c) Slide out of the vehicle on their stomach
d) Roll out of the vehicle
Instruct the occupants on how to jump out of the vehicle and move away. Tell them: “Keep both feet together and jump clear of the vehicle. Avoid touching the car as your feet come into contact with the ground. Take short shuffle steps keeping both feet as close together as possible. They must avoid contacting each other. Move in this manner away from the car for at least 10 metres (33 t).
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, In the event of a vehicle fire near high-voltage lines, what is the recommended distance for bystanders and non-emergency persons?
a) 5 meters
b) 20 meters
c) 50 meters
d) 100 meters
Keep bystanders and non-emergency persons at least 100 metres (330 ft) from the incident.
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, What hazard can be presented by electric or hybrid vehicles damaged in a motor vehicle accident?
a) Water contamination
b) Biological hazards
c) Electrical contact hazards
d) Mechanical hazards
Electric and hybrid vehicles damaged in a motor vehicle accident can present electrical contact hazards to emergency responders. High voltage energy within the batteries and wiring to the electric motor can carry as much as 650 Volts DC, sufficient electrical energy to cause death
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, What is the primary concern when using foam on live electrical equipment?
a) It is a good electrical conductor
b) It can cause corrosion
c) It may induce a chemical reaction
d) It is not effective in suppressing electrical fires
DO NOT use foam on live electrical
equipment. Foam is a good electrical
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, What is the minimum safe distance for emergency responders when responding to a fallen tree near a power line with a voltage of 230,000 volts?
a) 5 meters
b) 15 meters
c) 20 meters
d) 32 meters
Power line voltage
Hazardous Zone
115,000 or less - 10 (33 t)
230,000 - 15 (50 t)
500,000 - 32 (100 t)
*Measured from base of tree or other object.
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, What is the arc-over hazardous zone for a power line with a voltage of 115,000 volts?
a) 5 meters
b) 10 meters
c) 15 meters
d) 20 meters
Power line voltage
Hazardous Zone
115,000 or less -10 (33 t)
230,000 -15 (50 t)
500,000 - 32 (100 t)
*As measured from the outside insulators.
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, When using an aerial tanker to drop water or fire retardant on power line rights-of-way, how should the application be made to minimize corrosion on insulators?
a) Drop the retardant directly onto the insulators
b) Apply the retardant parallel to the power lines
c) Drop the retardant between towers at mid-span
d) Request the electrical utility to de-energize the transmission line
Drop the retardant between towers at mid-span
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, What is a significant cause of fatalities among rescue workers when responding to accidents, fires, or storms involving overhead power lines?
a) Exposure to hazardous chemicals
b) Indirect contact with live wires
c) Slip and fall accidents
d) Inhalation of toxic fumes
Contact with trees which are in contact with power lines is a significant cause of fatalities
among rescue workers. Trees can conduct electricity. Anyone coming into contact with a tree
while it is touching a power line is likely to receive a shock resulting in serious injury or death.
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, What is the primary function of a transformer in an electrical distribution system?
a) Generate electricity
b) Convert DC to AC
c) Step up or step down voltage
d) Store electrical energy
Poles will have from one to three
transformers for reducing the voltage from primary to secondary voltages (120/240 or 347/600 volts). From the distribution transformers the electricity
travels through the secondary power lines (120/240 and 347/600 volts) to the utility meter and building distribution panel
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, In power distribution, what is the purpose of a capacitor?
a) Store electrical charge
b) Control power factor
c) Increase voltage
d) Interrupt electrical flow
Capacitors store energy and can produce
lethal amounts of current, even when the
power is of! If a capacitor has fallen to the
ground do not touch it or attempt to move it
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, Which type of power line is typically found at higher elevations and used for long-distance transmission?
a) Transmission line
b) Distribution line
c) Subtransmission line
d) Feeder line
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, What is the purpose of lightning arresters in a power distribution system?
a) Generate electricity
b) Protect against voltage surges
c) Step up voltage
d) Regulate power factor
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, What safety precaution should be taken when working near underground power lines?
a) Wear insulated gloves
b) Use non-metallic tools
c) Avoid wearing safety helmets
d) Work during rainy conditions
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, What is the main function of a circuit breaker in an electrical system?
a) Generate electricity
b) Control power factor
c) Interrupt the flow of electrical current
d) Increase voltage
The fuse cutout acts like a circuit breaker in a
house. If there is a power surge or short in the
line, the fuse cutout will blow open prevening
damage to the transformer and customers’
equipment. Other equipment that is found in
distribuion systems includes switches, regulators
and capacitors.
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, Which of the following is a renewable source of energy used in power generation?
a) Natural gas
b) Coal
c) Solar
d) Nuclear
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, What is the purpose of a grounding wire in an electrical system?
a) Increase voltage
b) Provide a return path for fault currents
c) Store electrical charge
d) Control power factor
a bonded neutral type portable generator, in combination with extension cords fitted and approved for wet environments, reduces the need for use of the two ground rods and grounding wire with the
portable generator.
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, What is the standard color coding for electrical wires indicating a ground connection?
a) Red
b) Black
c) Green
d) Blue
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, Which type of electrical insulator is commonly used in high-voltage transmission lines?
a) Glass
b) Rubber
c) Porcelain
d) Plastic
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, What is the purpose of a substation in a power distribution system?
a) Generate electricity
b) Store electrical energy
c) Control power factor
d) Transform voltage for distribution
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, What is the minimum safe distance recommended for working near power lines with a voltage of 500,000 volts?
a) 1 meter
b) 5 meters
c) 10 meters
d) 32 meters
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, What type of fire extinguisher is recommended for electrical fires?
a) Water
b) Foam
c) Carbon dioxide
d) Dry chemical
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, What is the purpose of insulator strings on power lines?
a) Increase voltage
b) Prevent electrical fires
c) Control power factor
d) Provide electrical isolation
The system neutral and secondary power lines (120/240 and 347/600 volts) are typically found below the transformer and are weather coated but should not be considered insulated or safe to touch. Note that deterioration of the weather coating or insulation can expose live bare conductor
According to the Electrical Safety Hand Book, What safety measure should be taken when encountering a downed power line?
a) Approach and inspect it closely
b) Assume it is de-energized and move it off the road
c) Stay at least 10 meters away and report it to the utility
d) Use a metal rod to move it off the road
Do not attempt to move any fallen wires, call and wait for electrical utility personnel. Most live wires lying on the ground do not show any signs of being live. Only the proper meter in the hands of a qualified power line maintainer can safely determine this and how to make the area safe.