17- Training Manual Company Officer Flashcards
According to the training manual section on the company office, Along with managing a fire station and drilling fire fighters, What are the main responsibilities of a Company Officer?
a. familiarity with district
b. Respond to emergencies
c. supervise fire safety programs
d. Possess knowledge of pre plans
e. All of the above
According to the training manual section on the company office, Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of a Company Officer?
a. Training firefighters in firefighting practices
b. Conducting public fire safety programs
c. Condemning structures
d. Supervising equipment purchases
For example, the main responsibilities of a Company Officer may be listed as follows:
to manage a fire station, supervise the maintenance of quarters, apparatus
and equipment
to train or drill firefighters in firefighting practices, procedures and policies
to be familiar with the district to which they are assigned
to respond to emergency incidents and direct their assigned personnel in
emergency situations
to supervise and participate in public fire safety programs
to possess detailed knowledge of pre-fire plans so that they will be able to size
up situations and direct procedures
According to the training manual section on the company office, What is a desirable quality for a Company Officer according to the text?
a. Impulsiveness
b. Contrariness
c. Egotism
d. Devotion to duty
Some general characteristics that may be desired are:
A spirit of service
A sincerity of purpose
A devotion to duty
A determination to improve
A favourable attitude towards progress
A sense of fair play
A well-balanced personality
A mentally alert mind
A physically fit body
A good personal appearance
According to the training manual section on the company office, What is the role of a Company Officer in non-firefighting functions?
a. Delegating all responsibilities
b. Direct involvement in all administrative functions
c. Overseeing the state of readiness of firefighters and equipment
d. Condemning structures and purchasing new equipment
Non-Firefighting functions of a Company Officer are discussed before firefighting
function, to further emphasize the preparation and anticipation phases of fire
protection. A full gasoline tank, inflated tires, and a charged battery do not in
themselves prepare a fire apparatus for action. Various articles of fire equipment must
be arranged on the apparatus to further prepare it for action. Furthermore, a fully
prepared fire apparatus is useless without a trained firefighter to operate it and a
Company Officer to lead the Company in the pre-fire plans of anticipated action. The
non-firefighting function begins with a state of readiness of their firefighters, apparatus
and equipment.
According to the training manual section on the company office, What are the basic qualifications for a Fire Officer mentioned in the text?
a. Mastery of administrative tasks
b. Physical fitness and good personal appearance
c. Ability to purchase new equipment
d. Lack of experience in firefighting ranks
The Fire Officer candidate should:
have leadership ability
have an aptitude for fire service leadership
have served a reasonable time in the ranks of firefighting, and should have
served a reasonable time as an Officer below the rank for which they are
being considered for promotion
be well trained in the techniques of firefighting practices
be able to instruct in the techniques of firefighting practices
have a thorough knowledge of the water system in their district and City
be familiar with the buildings within their area of responsibility
be familiar with pre-fire plans
According to the training manual section on the company office, According to the text, what is the primary responsibility of a Company Officer during firefighting functions?
a. Driving the fire apparatus
b. Leading the firefighting operation
c. Overseeing equipment maintenance
d. Conducting fire investigations
??? re write
According to the training manual section on the company office, What is the purpose of size-up in firefighting?
a. Determining the cause of the fire
b. Visualizing the situation and planning action
c. Extinguishing hidden fires
d. Administering pre-plans
Making the Size-Up
Knowing the location of the fire and possibly the nature of the alarm gives a Company
Officer the first basic facts concerning the situation. A knowledge of the building
involved and exposed buildings, plus the nature of the occupancy and possible danger
to human life, provides a foundation upon which a Company Officer can visualise the
Sizing up is a mental evaluation of the situation that is made by a Fire Officer. The
size-up enables a Fire Officer to determine their course of action.
According to the training manual section on the company office, What is the Company Officer’s responsibility during the overhaul phase?
a. Operating the pump
b. Leading the search for hidden fires
c. Preserving evidence of arson
d. Supervising personnel and making the area safe
B re write this question
Supervising Overhaul
Overhaul is the search for and extinguishment of hidden fires, placing the building,
contents, and fire area in a safe condition, determining the cause of the fire, and
recognising and preserving evidence of arson. Emphasis should be placed upon the
importance of searching for hidden fires, because of the possibility of rekindle.
Firefighters fight fires of both accidental and intentional origin, and they may respond
to and extinguish a fire of intentional origin without concern if they do not know how to
recognise and preserve evidence of arson.
This function is usually assigned to one or more Companies. The Company Officer
receives their orders and assignments and they must supervise their personnel. The
word “safe” applies to the protection of personnel and public against rekindle,
explosions, falling walls, gases, chemicals, and open pits. Making a building, its
contents, or an area safe may involve more facilities and equipment than are available
to the average fire Company, in which case, the Chief Officer should secure outside
aid, such as cranes, bulldozers, and other heavy equipment.
According to the training manual section on the company office, When receiving an alarm, what information is considered absolutely necessary for a Company Officer?
a. Type of call
b. Nature of the alarm
c. Exact location of the fire
d. Number of casualties
Receiving the Alarm
Receiving the alarm is considered a firefighting function because its process starts all
action toward the fulfillment of an effective response. A Company Officer may receive
a fire alarm from many sources, but they generally receive it through a dispatcher that
is assigned to that duty. Regardless of how or from whom the Company Officer
receives the alarm, the EXACT LOCATION OF THE FIRE is the only bit of information
that is absolutely necessary. If it is possible for the dispatcher to ascertain what the
situation is or the type of call, that fact may determine what fire Companies will
According to the training manual section on the company office, What is the Company Officer’s role in placing the Company back in service?
a. Delegating all tasks to subordinates
b. Reporting injuries to the Chief Officer
c. Overseeing equipment cleaning and servicing
d. Driving the fire apparatus back to the station
Placing a fire Company back in service is to some extent an aftermath of an emergency
response. Since the fire Company is not yet ready to respond to another emergency
incident, the process of servicing apparatus is considered to be a firefighting function.
It is the Company Officer’s responsibility to see that all of their equipment that was
used at the emergency is accounted for. The equipment must be transported back to
the station where it must be cleaned, checked, and serviced. The physical welfare of
the Company personnel is extremely important and any injuries or disorders should be
reported to the Chief Officer in writing.
According to the training manual section on the company office, What are some of the favorable characteristics mentioned for a Fire Officer in the text?
a. Indecision and laziness
b. Contrariness and impulsiveness
c. Loyalty and determination
d. Egotism and selfishness
According to the training manual section on the company office, What is the significance of the Company Officer’s authority?
a. It is unlimited and extends to all administrative functions.
b. It is solely focused on condemning structures.
c. It is delegated by their superior for specific functions.
d. It allows the Company Officer to purchase new equipment.
A Company Officer has the authority to do things that his superior Officer delegates
them to do. Since the Company Officer represents their superior, their power becomes
delegated authority. A Company Officer’s authority is limited to the scope of the
functions they perform. Company Officers do not have the authority to condemn a
structure, to purchase new equipment, or to order any other administrative function;
consequently these functions are not their responsibility. The responsibilities of a
Company Officer lie within the realm of their command, and they should give their
commands with authority.
According to the training manual section on the company office, What is the purpose of a well-organized training program for a Company Officer?
a. To delegate all training responsibilities to subordinates
b. To convey all standing training policies to Chief Officers
c. To provide usable information and apply it to experiences
d. To eliminate the need for formal Officer training
A well-organised training programme and a Training Instructor is one of
the best ways to convey all standing training policies to the fire Companies. The
Instructor may spend enough time with each fire Company to establish the method
and procedure, but the actual training may be the responsibility of the Company
Officer. In addition to knowing how to do the various jobs, each firefighter needs to
have an understanding concerning the things they do. Since firefighters get the best
understanding through application of information to experience, it is the responsibility
of Company Officers to see that their firefighters get usable information and apply it to
their experiences
According to the training manual section on the company office, During the receiving orders and assignments phase, why are written orders not as blunt as verbal commands?
a. Written orders are always explicit and detailed.
b. Verbal commands are quicker to convey in emergency situations.
c. There is usually enough time for discussion with written orders.
d. Verbal commands are more beneficial for non-firefighting functions.
If the purpose of the assignment is to prepare
for an expectancy, to perform a special service, or to remedy a situation, the
assignment may be given in writing or discussed thoroughly between two or more
Officers. Orders that are issued during firefighting must be given in the form of a
command. Which is usually transmitted only by word of mouth. Time ordinarily permits
command assignments to be discussed and then they must be given clearly and
distinctly to be completely understood.
According to the training manual section on the company office, What is the primary responsibility of a Company Officer during the planning phase?
a. Condemning structures
b. Administering pre-plans
c. Training firefighters in firefighting practices
d. Leading the firefighting operation
Some of these functions are public education on fire safety and one of the most
important of all non-firefighting functions performed by a fire Company is training.
According to the training manual section on the company office, What is the Company Officer’s responsibility during the drilling of a fire company?
a. Establishing methods and procedures
b. Setting up standards for Chief Officers
c. Delegating all training to an outside Training Instructor
d. Overseeing equipment maintenance during drills
Drilling a Fire Company is a function directly related to a Company Officer and their
firefighters, although methods, standards, and procedures may be best set up through
an organised training programme. Each operation should be performed the same way
by all fire Companies of the Service to assure unity of effort. The more systematically
training Company becomes, for once a firefighter starts developing they should be
permitted to climb until they reach a level of achievement. A firefighter’s desire to
develop calls for a well-planned training schedule; and since the firefighter is
accountable to their Company Officer, it is the responsibility of the Company Officer to
provide a training schedule that gives them the opportunity to train.
According to the training manual section on the company office, What is the primary focus of the Company Officer during the firefighting function of making the size-up?
a. Leading the search for hidden fires
b. Visualizing the situation and planning action
c. Preserving evidence of arson
d. Operating the pump efficiently
Knowing the location of the fire and possibly the nature of the alarm gives a Company
Officer the first basic facts concerning the situation. A knowledge of the building
involved and exposed buildings, plus the nature of the occupancy and possible danger
to human life, provides a foundation upon which a Company Officer can visualise the
Sizing up is a mental evaluation of the situation that is made by a Fire Officer. The
size-up enables a Fire Officer to determine their course of action.
According to the training manual section on the company office, How does a Company Officer ensure an effective response during the making the response phase?
a. Delegating the responsibility to the dispatcher
b. Checking the personnel’s preparedness before signaling the driver
c. Overseeing equipment cleaning and servicing
d. Reporting injuries to the Chief Officer
It is common practice for firefighters to be assigned positions on the fire apparatus for
fire response. It is also common practice for firefighters to fill their respective positions
and dress themselves for firefighting when the alarm sounds. A Company Officer
should check the personnel of their company to see if they are prepared for response
before they give the driver the “go” signal.
According to the training manual section on the company office, What is the importance of placing the Company back in service after an emergency response?
a. To conduct fire investigations
b. To delegate responsibilities to subordinates
c. To ensure all equipment used is cleaned, checked, and serviced
d. To condemn structures and purchase new equipment
Placing the Company back in Service
Placing a fire Company back in service is to some extent an aftermath of an emergency
response. Since the fire Company is not yet ready to respond to another emergency
incident, the process of servicing apparatus is considered to be a firefighting function.
It is the Company Officer’s responsibility to see that all of their equipment that was
used at the emergency is accounted for. The equipment must be transported back to
the station where it must be cleaned, checked, and serviced. The physical welfare of
the Company personnel is extremely important and any injuries or disorders should be
reported to the Chief Officer in writing.