11- Crop Policies- Employee code of conduct Flashcards
According the the corp policies, employee code of conduct, What does the Code of Conduct for City of Brampton employees govern?
a) Personal relationships
b) Values, principles, and behavior
c) External business partnerships
d) None of the above
The Code of
Conduct (the “Code”) is about the values, principles, and standards of behaviour that govern actions as City employees.
According the the corp policies, employee code of conduct, What are the City of Brampton’s core values?
a) Honest, ethical, Fair, Transparent
b) Courage, Trust, Integrity, Compassion, Equity
c) Innovation, Inclusivity, Connectivity
d) Efficiency, Productivity, Accountability
To live the City’s values and protect the City’s reputation.
To be honest, ethical, fair, and transparent.
To think critically, to act objectively and impartially.
To make well-informed decisions every day.
To build trust with the public.
To comply with laws, regulations, standards, policies and procedures.
To seek resources for assistance.
According the the corp policies, employee code of conduct, According to the Code, what is the purpose of organizing the Code into themes?
a) To confuse employees
b) To provide a common reference for standards of behavior
c) To limit the scope of employee responsibilities
d) To prioritize one theme over others
The Code of Conduct is organized into themes, to provide a common reference for standards of
behaviour. It helps employees understand what to expect and what is expected of employees in
the workplace. There are five themes that employees are responsible for: Protect Information and
Interests, Foster a Safe and Healthy Workplace, Treat People with Care, Conduct Business with
Integrity, and Safeguard Assets.
According the the corp policies, employee code of conduct, What is the primary responsibility of City of Brampton employees regarding the Code?
a) To challenge the Code
b) To ignore the Code
c) To understand and comply with the Code
d) To rewrite the Code
Comply with policies and procedures
All employees are responsible for knowing, understanding and following the City’s policies,
directives, standard operating procedures, and guidelines that apply. Employees will comply with a leader’s directive unless it is contrary to the City’s values, policies, against the law or may result in health or safety risks. Employees must always be aware of the policies and procedures specific to their business and work within the boundaries of what they have the authority to do.
According the the corp policies, employee code of conduct, What is the consequence for repeated or extreme violations of the dress code?
a) A warning
b) Termination of employment
c) A fine
d) Additional dress code training
Anyone who breaches the Code of Conduct or fails to report an actual or potential breach of the Code of Conduct is subject to corrective action. Corrective action is the City’s response to unacceptable behaviour and can range from the use of disciplinary or non-disciplinary methods. Discipline can result in action up to and including termination of employment. Some violations or behaviours may also result in a legal response including civil litigation, or the involvement of the police. Examples include, but are not limited to, theft, fraud, and violence.
According the the corp policies, employee code of conduct, When are employees expected to wear formal business attire according to the dress code?
a) In a remote workspace
b) During Council and Committee meetings
c) Only in the office
d) Never
Employees are expected to maintain a professional, respectful, and clean appearance always, whether in-office, in a remote workspace or virtual, dressing in a manner appropriate for the work being performed and consistent with the City’s health and safety policies, procedures, protocols and considerations. Employees not required to wear a uniform may wear business casual attire provided formal business attire is worn where required or otherwise communicated (such as Council and Committee meetings).
According the the corp policies, employee code of conduct, What is encouraged for employees in terms of community involvement?
a) Mandatory community service
b) Volunteering and participating in the community
c) Ignoring community needs
d) Focusing only on work responsibilities
Employees support the communities where they live, work and do business. The City’s values and the Code serve as the foundation for behaviour when employees represent the City at work or in communities. Employee behaviour should be beyond reproach in all dealings and particularly for the community served. The City takes pride in all contributions, and encourages employees to volunteer and participate in the community (e.g. charitable food drive).
According the the corp policies, employee code of conduct, What is an additional responsibility for leaders under the Code of Conduct?
a) Avoiding all conflicts
b) Promoting unethical behaviors
c) Identifying and mitigating ethics and compliance risks
d) Ignoring colleagues’ concerns
While all employees are required to act in accordance with the City’s values, leaders have
additional responsibilities under the Code of Conduct. The City expects those who lead or
supervise others, to demonstrate ethical leadership and set the right tone by:
Modeling appropriate behaviours that are consistent with the Code and City values.
Fostering a positive work environment in which only legal, ethical, responsible and
appropriate behaviours are acceptable.
Promoting team awareness and understanding of the City’s Code, values, policies and
procedures to ensure ongoing compliance.
Identifying and mitigating ethics and compliance risks.
Responding appropriately and in a timely way to colleagues who seek advice, raise
concerns and/or report misconduct in a manner that offers security and ease to do so.
Managing conflict of interest situations to achieve fair and appropriate outcomes.
Promptly escalating concerns and reports of actual or potential misconduct and following
up to ensure they are addressed.
Consult with the Human Resources Business Partner as needed for interpretation and
application of the Code.
According the the corp policies, employee code of conduct, What is the City’s response to violations of the Code?
a) Ignoring them
b) Taking corrective action
c) Rewarding the violator
d) Changing the Code
The City takes
violations of the Code very seriously so, speak up and raise concerns to ensure that employees, the community, and the City’s reputation are protected. The City will address all questions and concerns.
According the the corp policies, employee code of conduct, When should employees report a potential privacy breach?
a) Never
b) Only if it directly affects them
c) Immediately
d) After discussing it with colleagues
If an employee becomes aware of a breach of the Code or any other situation that could place the City at risk of loss or harm, they must report it immediately.
According the the corp policies, employee code of conduct, What is considered confidential information?
a) Any information discussed in a meeting
b) Information in the public domain
c) Information that is not public property and could cause harm if disclosed improperly
d) Personal opinions of employees
Confidential information (which includes personal information) is information that is not public property, is not in the public domain, and/or would cause harm to individuals, or to the City if improperly disclosed. This includes information communicated in confidence.
According the the corp policies, employee code of conduct, Who is responsible for managing media inquiries on behalf of the City?
a) Any employee
b) Media Relations section
c) Human Resources
d) The City’s Mayor
The media is an effective way to enhance communication with the community but, employees must also manage media inquiries to ensure consistency and protect the City’s reputation. The City’s Media Relations section is responsible for the coordination of all communications with the media on behalf of the City. Only those with the proper authority may communicate with media on the City’s behalf. Refer all media inquiries to Strategic Communications.
According the the corp policies, employee code of conduct, What is emphasized regarding the use of social media?
a) It is the only channel for communication
b) It is a personal space for venting frustrations
c) Comments are private and temporary
d) Words are public and permanent
Consider this when using social media:
Safeguard personal and professional reputations
Be respectful—words are public and permanent
Confidential, non-public information relating to the City, customers, employees or other persons or business must never be a part of our social media conversations
Personal opinions are not the position or view of the City of Brampton
Be clear and purposeful in communication
Share the City’s great news, stories and events
According the the corp policies, employee code of conduct, What is the significance of employees’ behavior even when they are “off the clock”?
a) It has no impact on the City’s reputation
b) It reflects positively on the City
c) It only affects the employee’s personal life
d) It may reflect negatively on the City
The City’s reputation and business depends largely upon the behaviour of its employees. Whether an employee is ‘on or off the clock’, their behaviour and actions may reflect on the City. If employees fail to exercise sound judgment and engage in unethical or immoral conduct, it may reflect negatively on the City. Be mindful and responsible—act in a way that reflects positively on the City and fosters public confidence.
According the the corp policies, employee code of conduct, What is the primary responsibility of all employees in maintaining a safe workplace?**
a. Ensuring customer satisfaction
b. Reporting unhealthy or unsafe conditions
c. Maximizing productivity
d. Ignoring health and safety rules
Employees foster an active health and safety culture by:
Making responsible choices—not accepting or directing unnecessary or unsafe acts.
Knowing and complying with applicable occupational health and safety laws and City policies.
Watching out for each other and helping others avoid unsafe conditions.
Promptly reporting any unhealthy or unsafe conditions or behaviours
According the the corp policies, employee code of conduct, How can employees contribute to fostering an active health and safety culture?**
a. Accepting unnecessary risks
b. Avoiding reporting unsafe conditions
c. Watching out for each other
d. Disregarding occupational health and safety laws
Employees foster an active health and safety culture by:
Making responsible choices—not accepting or directing unnecessary or unsafe acts.
Knowing and complying with applicable occupational health and safety laws and City policies.
Watching out for each other and helping others avoid unsafe conditions.
Promptly reporting any unhealthy or unsafe conditions or behaviours
According the the corp policies, employee code of conduct, What is a way to set an example for a safe and healthy workplace?**
a. Ignoring health and safety training
b. Asking questions when unsure
c. Avoiding Joint Health and Safety Committee involvement
d. Disregarding unsafe conditions
Set an example for a safe and healthy workplace:
Ask questions when unsure about something.
Volunteer to become a worker member of a Joint Health and Safety Committee.
Help your health and safety representative or Joint Health and Safety Committee with health and safety inspections by pointing out possible hazards in work areas.
Take the health and safety training seriously and put it into practice on the job.
According the the corp policies, employee code of conduct, What should employees do if they are taking prescription drugs with strong side effects?**
a. Keep it confidential
b. Inform their leaders for a possible medical accommodation
c. Share it with colleagues
d. Use it during work hours
Employees will attend to job responsibilities free of any influence from alcohol, cannabis, illegal drugs. Employees taking prescription drugs or over-the-counter drugs with strong
side effects should inform their leaders that a medical accommodation may be necessary.
According the the corp policies, employee code of conduct, According to the code, what is not permitted on City property or work sites?**
a. Personal belongings
b. Controlled substances
c. Prescription drugs
d. Food and beverages
Illegal drugs or other controlled substances are not permitted and cannot be brought onto City property or work sites.
According the the corp policies, employee code of conduct, How can the Employee and Family Assistance Plan (EFAP) help employees?**
a. Provide financial assistance
b. Support health-related concerns related to addiction
c. Offer career development programs
d. Assist in job promotions
EFAP can help:
Any employee who may be experiencing addiction or dependency, or has significant
interactions with someone who is experiencing addiction or dependency is encouraged to seek
help. The City has resources to support health-related concerns through the Employee and
Family Assistance Plan (EFAP).
According the the corp policies, employee code of conduct, What is the City’s stance on workplace violence?**
a. Encouraging violence
b. Zero tolerance
c. Promoting conflict
d. Ignoring incidents
The City has a proactive approach to violence prevention in the workplace that clearly outlines the expectations of employees (at all levels) when reporting and responding to violent incidents.
Employees are all responsible for maintaining a workplace free from violence and commit to supporting employees who are victims of violence.
The City has zero tolerance for violence in the workplace and expects everyone to act appropriately in all dealings with others.
Immediately report instances of violence or attempted violence to a leader and/or Human Resources
According the the corp policies, employee code of conduct, How can employees contribute to a healthy workplace in terms of workplace violence prevention?**
a. Ignoring conflict
b. Supporting colleagues facing challenges
c. Avoiding reporting violence instances
d. Engaging in disrespectful behavior
Help create a healthy workplace:
Address conflict in a constructive and positive way.
Support colleagues who are dealing with challenges.
Speak up when witness to disrespectful behaviour.
According the the corp policies, employee code of conduct, What does the City expect from employees regarding harassment and discrimination?**
a. Ignoring instances
b. Reporting promptly
c. Promoting disrespect
d. Tolerating inappropriate behavior
Employees (and the City) have zero tolerance for harassment, sexual harassment, bullying, discrimination, disrespect, and inappropriate behaviour under any circumstance.
Immediately report any instances of harassment or discrimination to leaders and/or Human Resources
According the the corp policies, employee code of conduct, *What is a recommended practice for maintaining a respectful workplace?**
a. Engaging in gossip
b. Touching colleagues without permission
c. Sharing hurtful jokes
d. Showing professionalism and courtesy
Be part of a respectful workplace:
Show professionalism, courtesy and consideration in everything—from action to presentation—personal choices of expression should not be demeaning or threatening.
Avoid gossip or sharing information that is not true or not to share.
Do not touch someone if it is unwelcome or uninvited.
Avoid jokes that are hurtful or belittling.
Refrain from posting or sending inappropriate messages to (or about) anyone.
Make decisions that promote a respectful and inclusive workplace
According the the corp policies, employee code of conduct, What does the City want employees to bring to work every day?**
a. Only professional skills
b. Their whole selves
c. Only workplace experience
d. A neutral mindset
The City wants employees to bring their whole selves to work, every day. Employees will conduct themselves at work with fairness and equity while fostering an inclusive culture that provides an accessible, safe and respectful work environment that is free from harassment, discrimination, violence or any unacceptable behaviour.
According the the corp policies, employee code of conduct, What is a way to be more diverse and inclusive, according to the code?**
a. Embrace stereotypes
b. Avoid engaging with different opinions
c. Engage in self-reflection to uncover biases
d. Disregard stories of others
Be more diverse and inclusive:
Learn about unconscious bias and engage in self-reflection to uncover personal biases.
Tell stories…and listen to the stories of others.
Avoid stereotypes and over-generalizations.
Separate feelings from facts.
Have a diverse group of people around the decision-making table.
Develop safe and brave spaces and be an active ally.
Practice patience and empathy.
According the the corp policies, employee code of conduct, How should employees handle suspect behavior or fraud?**
a. Ignore it
b. Report it immediately
c. Confront the person involved
d. Wait for others to report it
The City expects everyone to be honest, without bias, without favour,
and without outside/personal interests conflicting with work decisions. Recognize the signs and
immediately report any unusual activity to a leader, the Internal Audit Division, or anonymously through the Fraud Prevention Hotline. There is no risk of reprimand, penalty or discipline for
reporting suspect behaviour or fraud in good faith or for participation in a fraud investigation
According the the corp policies, employee code of conduct, Which is an example of fraud according to the code?**
a. Using City property responsibly
b. Accepting bribes or kickbacks
c. Following authorization limits
d. Using corporate purchasing cards appropriately
Some examples of fraud include:
Providing a benefit or service to someone who does not qualify.
Failure to disclose an actual or potential conflict of interest.
Accepting bribes or kickbacks.
Carrying on personal business during City of Brampton work hours using City resources.
Forgery or alteration of a cheque, document, or account belonging to the City.
Unauthorized reductions in fees or fines.
According the the corp policies, employee code of conduct, When does a conflict of interest occur?**
a. When personal views align with City interests
b. When personal relationships are maintained
c. When there is no interference with public duties
d. When there is a conflict between public duties and personal interests
A ‘Conflict’ or ‘Conflict of Interest’ is anything that interferes (or might be perceived to interfere) with an individual’s or the City’s ability to act impartially or in the best interests of the public. Employees have a duty to set aside personal views and focus on what is best for the City and the public. For that reason, employees have an obligation to disclose any actual or potential conflicts of interests. A conflict of interest occurs when employee conduct involves, or appears to involve, a conflict between public duties and personal interests. The City expects that employees immediately disclose conflicts and manage them appropriately.
According the the corp policies, employee code of conduct, What should employees do if they have interests outside of the City?**
a. Keep them secret
b. Disclose any that present a conflict of interest
c. Never engage in outside activities
d. Ignore them while at work
Employees’ interests must remain separate and distinct from job obligations and employees must never use their positions with the City to influence or further their private interests or those of friends, family, or anyone with whom they have a close personal relationship or business association. Employees will disclose any outside activities that present a conflict or potential
conflict of interest
According the the corp policies, employee code of conduct, What is the expectation regarding political activity and support?**
a. Employees should use their affiliation with the City to market personal political activities
b. Employees must be politically neutral in their work for the City
c. Political activity is mandatory for all employees
d. Political affiliations should be kept secret
BIf someone chooses to participate in political activity, it is a personal choice and it is not as a
representative or on behalf of the City.
Employees must never use their affiliation with the City to market or advance their personal political activities, and must ensure that personal activities and political associations will not influence, affect or compromise the obligations of their job with the City.
Employees will be politically neutral in their work for the City, and be sensitive to maintaining a civic service that is non-partisan.
The promotion of other causes and issues—including charitable initiatives—requires approval by the proper authority.
Employees will disclose any political activity or affiliations that present a conflict of interest.
According the the corp policies, employee code of conduct, What should employees consider when accepting gifts?**
a. Accept any gift regardless of value
b. Disclose gifts with a value of $100 or more
c. Decline gifts with a value of $50 or more
d. Use gifts for personal benefit
Employees will disclose gifts with a value of $50 or more on the City’s Lobbyist and Gift Registry. Employees will graciously decline a gift(s) and return it to the giver or donate the item to a charity in need—do not use it in a fundraising draw or for lottery purposes, unless proceeds go to a registered charity
According the the corp policies, employee code of conduct, What is the primary consideration when engaging in entertainment for business purposes?**
a. Entertainment should be excessive
b. Entertainment should be in good taste and consistent with usual business practice
c. Employees should avoid all forms of entertainment
d. Entertainment should always be grand
Entertainment should always be in good taste and consistent with usual
business practice. Entertainment must not seem excessive or inappropriate. If unsure, consult
with a leader or Human Resources before accepting an invitation.
According the the corp policies, employee code of conduct, What is considered ‘City Property’ according to the code?**
a. Only physical items like vehicles and tools
b. Intellectual property only
c. Technological property only
d. Physical, intellectual, and technological property
Defining ‘City Property’:
Physical property – means vehicles, furniture, tools and equipment, etc.
Intellectual property – is a creation of the mind (literary works, design, plans, etc.) of which the ownership or right to use may be owned by the City—it may be legally protected by a copyright, patent, trademark, etc. (e.g. logos, presentations, audios / videos, etc.). Technological property – means computers, printers, mobile devices, software, network
resources, etc.