634 Emergency Shutdown (64-EOP-5001) Flashcards
OPER/CCR - 1.1.1 - NOTIFY appropriate parties of intent to perform an Emergency Shutdown
OPER/CCR - 1.1.2 - NOTIFY Main Gate to announce a warning to maintenance and contract personnel for non-essential personnel to clear the Unit (and adjacent Units within a 300’ radius) prior to a scheduled Unit shutdown or startup.
OPER - 1.1.3 ENSURE that all non-essential personnel have cleared the unit (and adjacent Units within a 300’ radius) while performing operations in this procedure
OPER/CCR - 1.1.4 - IF situation dictates,
NOTIFY Emergency Response Team of 634 Unit Emergency Shutdown and existing conditions.
OPER - 1.1.5 - PERFORM the following to bypass 634 Unit
- OPEN bypass line around 634 Unit
- CLOSE product feed inlet lines to 634 Unit (2)
CCR - 1.1.6 - REMOVE 634F0001, Reactor Feed Heater from service if no hydrogen sweep will be performed, by placing 64PC5134, Fuel Gas to Heater Pressure Controller in “MANUAL” and close.
CCR - 1.1.7 - UTILIZE the following bypasses for startup and shutdown as needed:
- Hydrocarbon Feed Bypass - used at startup and for hydrogen sweep.
- Hydrogen Flow Bypass - used for heater burnout
- Skin Temperature Bypass - used for multiple thermocouple issues
CCR - 1.1.8 - REMOVE the following pumps from service, by performing the following:
- ENGAGE the low hydrogen feed flow bypass on the DCS with the process hydrogen and hydrocarbon feed flows above their low trip points
- 634P0001A, Reactor Fresh Feed Pump
- 634P0001B, Reactor Fresh Feed Pump
OPER/CCR - 1.1.9 - PLACE 64FC0003 Reactor Fresh Feed Controller in “MANUAL” mode @ 0% Output and close the Reactor Fresh Feed Controller inlet isolation valve
OPER/CCR - 1.1.10 - STOP condensate flow to 634E0001A/B, Hot Flash Vapor Air Coolers b closing 64FC0012, Condensate Injection Flow Controller 4” inlet and outlet valves
OPER - 1.1.11 - STOP Stripping Steam to 634T0001, Product Stripper by placing 64FC0019, Steam to Stripper Flow Controller, in “MANUAL” mode and close to 0%
CCR - 1.1.12 - IF Unit is to be depressured and not swept with hydrogen, STOP Amine flow to 634T0002, Recycle Gas Contractor by placing 64FC0015, Amine to Contactor Flow Controller in “MANUAL” mode and close to 0%
CCR - 1.1.13 - CLOSE 64LC0008 Rich Amine Flow Controller, once level is stable.
OPER - 1.1.14 - CLOSE 64LC0008, Rich Amine release Inlet and Outlet valves.
CCR - 1.1.15 - NOTIFY Sulfur Recovery Unit that Amine demand will be shut off due to the Emergency Shutdown of the 634 Unit.
OPER - 1.1.16 - SHUT DOWN remaining pumps as they become available.
CCR - 1.1.17 - BEGIN to Cool down 634R0001, HDS Reactor to the appropriate temperature
CCR - 1.1.18 - MAXIMIZE the purge to 634 to allow the hydrocarbons to be swept from the unit by performing either of the following:
- SWEEP the unit from 636 using 66FC0072, Purge to 634
-SWEEP the unit using 633/635 by performing the following:
A - USE 63FC0207 / 65FC0005B, Purge to 634
B - ISOLATE 10” Recycle KO Drum to Compressor Suction Header Isolation Valve
C - OPEN the 4” Unit Sweep out Line chain valve
CCR - 1.1.19 - PLACE the following H2 Quench Controllers in “MANUAL” mode @ 0% Output:
- 64FV0010, H2 Quench to Bed 3
- 64FV0025, H2 Quench to Bed 2
CCR - 1.1.20 - VERIFY the H2 Quench Controllers are CLOSED outside:
- 64FV0010, H2 Quench to Bed 3
- 64FV0025, H2 Quench to Bed 2
OPER - 1.1.21 - PERFORM the following to blow down Reactor Feed Heater coils (4):
- PINCH down 3 of the 4 heater 8” inlet coil valves to approximately 10% and leave one coil valve 100% open
- BLOW DOWN coil for 15 minutes minimum with Hydrogen flow from running compressor
- OPEN 1 of the 3 isolated 8” coil valves and pinch down on 8” heater inlet coil valve that had been open at end of blow down time period
- REPEAT for other 3 coils
- WHEN complete, open all 4 of the heater 8” inlet coil valves.
OPER - 1.1.22 - OPEN 64FC0010 and 64FC0025, Reactor Hydrogen Feed Flow Controllers to cool down HDS Reactor at 150 degrees F per hour with maximum Hydrogen flow from running compressor.
CCR/OPER - 1.1.23 - REMOVE 634C0002, operating compressor from service per Makeup and Recycle Compressor Operation procedure once Reactor has been cooled down, as directed if Unit is to be depressured.
CCR - 1.1.24 - NOTIFY all personnel in affected units
1.2 - Complete Supplemental Actions