6.2 The ear: structure and components function Flashcards
External ear function
Visible portion of the ear (pinna), guides sound waves into the ear, passing them into the auditory canal
Ear canal/auditory function
The channel which sound waves pass down from the external ear, before being turned into vibrations at the ear drum
Eardrum function
AKA tympanic membrane- thin flap of skin that us stretched over the entrance to the middle of the ear, sound waves cause is to vibrate
Hammer (malleus) function
First bone of the ear bones, joined to the eardrum. It transfers and amplifies the vibrations from the eardrum
Anvil (Incus) function
The middle of the three ear bones, it transfers and amplifies the vibrations from the eardrum
Stirrup (stapes) attached to oval window function
The innermost ear bone, joined to the cochlear via the oval window. It transfers and amplifies the vibrations from the eardrum
Cochlear function
A fluid filled coiled structure within the inner ear, responsible for both hearing. Lined with hairs to detect changes in fluid
Oval window and round window function
Round window + oval= decompresses the acoustic energy in the cochlear. Oval window vibrates in, round window vibrates out.
Oval window- Where vibrations enter the cochlear, passed from the ear bones- a membrane covered opening from the stirrup to the cochlear
Auditory nerve function
Thick bundle of nerve fibres which take auditory information to the brain
Vestibular nerve function
Thick bundle of nerve fibres which takes information about our balance and sense of orientation to the brain
Organ of Corti function
Receptors which turn the vibrations in the fluid of the cochlear into electrical signals to be taken to the brain
Semi-circular Canals function
Three fluid filled tubes within the inner-ear responsible for detecting head rotation, direction, and orientation. Lined with hairs to detect changes in the fluid
Ampulla function
Tiny receptors within the semi-circular canals that detect motion or rotation and turn this into electrical signals to be taken to the brain
Middle ear function
Part of the ear where the ear bones and eustachian tube are located
Inner ear function
Part of the ear containing the cochlear and nerves taking information to the brain