6.2- Operant Conditioning Flashcards
operant conditioning
a type of learning in which behaviour is influenced by consequences [liking to eat a restaurant- eating there again]
a process in which an event or reward that follows a response increases the likelihood of that response occurring again [changes in behaviour from food]
law of effect
the idea that responses followed by satisfaction will occur again in the same situation, whereas those that are not followed by satisfaction become less likely
a stimulus that is contingent upon a response and that increases the probability of that response occurring again [the food itself that changes behaviour]
a process that decreases the future probability of a response [opposite of reinforcement]
a stimulus that is contingent upon a response, and that results in a decrease in behaviour [going to jail- not again]
difference between classical and operant conditioning?
classical: response is not required for reward
operant: response is required for learning to take place
positive reinforcement
the strengthening of behaviour after potential reinforcers such as [praise, money, or nourishment that follows behaviour] (laugh at parents joke… they will tell more jokes)
negative reinforcment
involves the strengthening of a behaviour because it removes or diminishes a stimulus (bring your umbrella to school.. no more rain… removing rain [stimulus].. bring umbrella more)
sub category for negative reinforcement (1) avoidance learning
a specific type of negative reinforcement that removes the possibilities that a stimulus will occur (leaving school early… avoid traffic)
sub category for negative reinforcement (1) escape learning
if a response removes a stimulus that is already present (covering ears w/ loud music… cannot avoid music… help escape it)
positive punishments
process in which behaviour decreases in frequency because it was followed by a particular, usually unpleasant, stimulus [spraying cat with water gun when jumping on counter… positive adding (spray)]
negative punishment
occurs when a behaviour decreases because it removes or diminishes a particular stimulus [grounding child… taking away phone… child wont do it again]
reinforcing successive approximations of a specific operant response (process) [teaching the rat if u pull lever… you get food]
linking together two or more shaped behaviours into a more complex action or sequence of actions
applied behaviour analysis (ABA)
involves using close observations, prompting, and reinforcement to teach behaviours [basis for educational method]
ABC of behaviour
A= antecendent
B= behaviour
C= consequence
reinforcers come in 2 forms
primary & secondary
primary reinforcer
consists of reinforcing stimuli that satisfy basic motivational needs- needs that affect individual ability to survive and reproduce (water, shelter, sex)
secondary reinforcer
stimuli that acquire their reinforcing affects only after we learn they have value (money, ‘likes’ on social media)
discriminative stimulus
a cue or event that indicates that a response, if made will be reinforced [ex: asking to borrow parents car when they are in a good mood- dictate whether you ask or not]
discrimination + generalization (operant)
the mechanism appears to be dopamine - releasing neurons- not strengthening synapse
schedules of reinforcment
rules that determine when reinforcement is available [typically a given behaviour is rewarded accordingly to some schedule]
continuous reinforcment
every response made results in reinforcement [ex: vending machines delivering a snack every time you pay]
partial (intermittent) reinforcment
only a certain number of responses are rewarded, or a certain amount of time must pass before reinforcement is available (phoning a friend, may not pick up)
fixed-ratio schedule
reinforcement is delivered after a specific number of responses have been completed (rat having to push lever 10x for food)
variable- ratio schedule
the number of responses required to receive reinforcement varies according to a average [slot machine- game of chance]
fixed-interval schedule
reinforces the first response occurring after a set amount of time passes [psyc prof giving exam every 4 weeks… study, break, study, break] (good grades= motivation)
variable- interval schedule
the first response is reinforced following a variable amount of time - [meteor showers- rewarded for looking up at times]
partial reinforcment
phenomenon in which organisms that have been conditioned under partial reinforcement resist extinction longer than those conditioned under continuous reinforcement [humans used to not receiving reinforcement for every response… cheesy pick up lines]