6: AOP - Natural Resources Planning Flashcards
First earth day
April 22, 1970
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
Established in 1927 to create the Colorado River Aqueduct, a water pipeline to LA which was built between 1933 and 1941.
Currently owned and operated by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California.
Rachel Carson
Author of Silent Spring - published in 1962.
Carson examines the dangers of chemical pesticides, such as DDT, on plants, animals, and humans. Influenced how people think about the environment.
Effluent Standards
Set restrictions on discharge of pollutants into the environment. Effluent guidelines reduce discharge of pollutants that have serious environmental impacts.
EPA has effluent guidelines for more than 50 categories.
Point Source Pollution
Discharged directly from a specific site, such as sewage treatment plant or industrial pipe.
Non-Point Source Polution
Contaminated runoff from many sources.
Potable Water
Water that is safe to drink.
relatively low in plant nutrients and containing abundant oxygen in the deeper parts.
One or more strata of rock / sediment that is saturated and sufficiently permeable to yield economically significant quantities of water to wells or springs. An aquifer includes any geologic material that is currently used or could be used as a source of water within the target distance limite.
Wells can be drilled into the aquifers & water can be pumped out.
Precipitation recharges water into the porous rock of the aquifer. Rater of recharge NOT the same for all aquifers. Must be considered when pumping water from well.
Area where freshwater meets saltwater
Shallow body of water located alongside a coast
Type of freshwater, brackish water, or saltwater wetland found along rivers, ponds, lakes, and coasts. Does not accumulate appreciable peat deposits and is dominated by herbaceous vegetation.
Pond, lake, tank, or basin that can be used for the storage and control of water, and can be either natural or man-made.
Surface Water
Includes rivers, lakes, oceans, ocean-like water bodies, and coastal tidal waters.
Is a freshwater wetland that has spongy, muddy land, and a lot of water.
Is a region drained by, or contributing water to, surface water.
Water Table
Is the underground boundary between the soil surface and the area where groundwater saturates spaces between sediments and cracks in rock. Water pressure and atmospheric pressure are equal at this boundary.
Include swamps, marshes, bogs, and other similar areas. Wetlands are inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands can be natural or constructed.
The Clean Water Act
Was passed in 1972 with a major amendment in 1977.
Official name was the Federal Water Pollution Control Act but “Clean Water Act” became the act’s common name.
The act requires anyone wanting to discharge pollutants into a body of water to obtain a permit. It also regulates the amount of water that can be discharged and the types of pollutants that can be released.
Point Source Discharge Permit
To discharge pollutants into the water this permit must be obtained from the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES).