52 Flashcards
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I see, jurors, that everything so far agrees
Miloni etiam utile fuisse
that it was even advantageous for Milo
Clodium vivere
for Clodius to live
illi…interitum Milonis
(whereas) for that man Milo’s death
(fuisse…) optatissimum
was most desirable
ad ea quae concupierat
with regard to those things for which he had longed
odium…illius in hunc
that the hatred of that man towards this man
was very bitter
nullum huius in illum
(whereas) this man had no hatred for that man
consuetudinem illius perpetuam
that that man’s constant way of life
in vi inferenda
was in carrying out violence
huius tantum in repellenda
(whereas) this man’s only in repelling it
that Milo’s death
ab illo…denuntiatam
was threatened by that man
et praedicatam palam
and openly predicted
(whereas) nothing of the sort
umquam auditum
had ever been heard
ex Milone
from Milo
profectionis huius diem
that the day of this man’s departure
illi notum
was well known to that man
reditum illius huic ignotum fuisse
(whereas) that man’s return was unknown to this man
huius iter necessarium
that this man’s journey was necessary
illius etiam potius alienum
(whereas) that man’s was was rather pointless
hunc prae se tulisse
that this man openly declared
se illo die exiturum
that he would be going out (from Rome) on that day
illum eo die se dissimulasse rediturum
whereas that man concealed that he would return on that day
hunc…mutasse consilium
that this man changed his intention
nullius rei
in no detail
illum causam…finxisse
(whereas) that man fabricated a reason
mutandi consili
to change his plan
huic, si insidiaretur
that if this man were to set an ambush
noctem prope urbem exspectandam
he would have to await nightfall near the city
illi, etiam si hunc non timeret
whereas that man, even if he was not afraid of this man
tamen…fuisse metuendum
should nonetheless have feared
accessum ad urbem nocturnum
an arrival to the city by night