34 Flashcards
audistis, iudices
you have heard, jurors
quantum Clodi interfuerit
how much it mattered to Clodius
occidi Milonem
that Milo be killed
convertite animos…nunc
now turn your thoughts
in turn
ad Milonem
to Milo
quid Milonis intererat
what did it matter to Milo
interfici Clodium
that Clodius be killed
quid erat cur Milo
what reason was there why Milo
non dicam admitteret
I shan’t say would commit (such a crime)
sed optaret
but would wish to do so
‘obstabat in spe consulatus Miloni Clodius’
‘Clodius was blocking Milo in his hope for the consulship’
at eo
but even with that man
opposing him
he was becoming (consul)
immo vero
or rather, in truth
eo fiebat magis
he was becoming consul all the more by this fact
nec me…utebatur
and he did not have me
suffragatore meliore…quam Clodio
as a better supporter than Clodius
the memory, judges
Milonis meritorum
of Milo’s services
erga me remque publicam
towards me and the republic
valebat apud vos
used to hold weight amongst you
preces et lacrimae nostrae
our prayers and tears
were important
quibus ego sentiebam
by which I perceived
tum vos mirifice moveri
at the time that you were wonderfully moved
sed…periculorum impendentium timor
but your fear of the impending dangers
plus multo valebat
held much more weight
quis enim erat civium
for who was there among the citizens
qui sibi…proponeret
who could visualise for himself
solutam Publi Clodi praeturam
the unrestrained praetorship of Publius Clodius
sine maximo…metu
without the greatest fear
rerum novarum
of a revolution
autem videbatis
but you saw
that it would be unrestrained
nisi esset is consul
if there was not such a man as consul
qui auderet possetque
who had the audacity and the means
to constrain it
cum…universus populus Romanus
since the entire Roman people
eum Milonem unum esse…sentiret
felt that Milo was that one man
quis dubitaret
who would hesitate
suffragio suo
by his own vote
se metu…liberare
to free himself from his own fear
periculo rem publicam
and the state from its peril
at nunc, Clodio remoto
but now, with Clodius removed
iam…enitendum est Miloni
it is already necessary for Milo to struggle
by the usual methods
ut tueatur
to protect
that renown
singularis et huic uni concessa
extraordinary and granted to him alone
cotidie augebatur
was being increased daily
frangendis furoribus Clodianis
by Clodius’ wild acts being crushed
is his no longer
Clodi morte
because of Clodius’ death
vos adepti estis
you have gained
in that you do not fear
quem civem
any citizen
he has lost
exercitationem virtutis
the scope for the exercise of his valour
suffragationem consulatus
the electoral support for his consulship
fontem perennem gloriae suae
and the eternal fountain of his own renown
itaque Milonis consulatus qui…non poterat
and so Milo’s consulship, which could not
vivo Clodio labefactari
be shaken when Clodius was alive
denique…coeptus est
has finally begun
to be tested now that he’s dead
non modo igitur
therefore not only
nihil prodest…Miloni
of no benefit to Milo
Clodi mors
is the death of Clodius
sed obest etiam
but it also hinders him