28 Flashcards
Milo autem cum…fuisset
Milo, however, since he had been
in senatu…eo die
in the senate on that day
quoad senatus est dimissus
until the senate was terminated
domum venit
came home
calceos et vestimenta mutavit
changed his shoes and clothes
while his wife
ut fit
as it normally happens
got herself ready
paulisper…commoratus est
waited around for a short time
he set out
id temporis
at that point of the day
when Clodius
si quidem
if indeed
Romam venturus erat
he was going to come to Rome
eo die
on that day
iam…redire potuisset
could now have returned
obviam fit ei Clodius
Clodius met him
expeditus, in equo
unencumbered, on a horse
nulla raeda
with no carriage
nullis impedimentis
with no baggage
nullis Graecis comitibus
with none of his Greek companions
ut solebat
as he was accustomed to do
sine uxore, quod numquam fere
without his wife, which almost never happened
cum hic insidiator
when this ambusher [Milo, sarcastic]
who had (supposedly) planned
iter illud
that journey
ad caedam faciendam
for the purpose of murder
wearing a heavy cloak
with his great…retinue
et impedito
and encumbered
et muliebri
and womanly
ac delicato
and delicate
ancillarum puerorumque
of slave-girls and boys
was being transported
cum uxore…in raeda
with his wife in his carriage