43 Flashcards
therefore was Milo,
sibi proponens
picturing to himself
hunc…speratum atque exoptatum
this hoped-for and wished-for
diem Campi
day of the elections
cruentibus manibus…veniebat
likely to come with bloodstained hands
ad illa augusta auspicia
to those solemn auspices
of the centuries [voting units]
prae se ferens et confitens
advertising and confessing to
scelus et facinus
a sin and crime
quam hoc non credibile
how impossible to believe is this
in hoc
in the case of this man
quam idem…non dubitandum
how the same thing should not be doubted
in the case of Clodius
since he himself thought
interfecto Milone
with Milo killed
that he would rule
what more shall I say?
quod caput est
this is the main source
audaciae, iudices
of audacity, judges
quis ignorat
who does not know
maximam inlecebram esse
that the greatest inducement
to commit a crime
impunitatis spem
is the hope of impunity
in utro igitur
so in which of the two men
haec fuit
did this hope exist?
in Milone qui etiam nunc reus est facti
in Milo, who is even now accused of an action
aut praeclari
either splendid
aut certe necessarii
or certainly necessary
an in Clodio qui ita…contempserat
or in Clodius, who had so despised
iudicia poenamque
the law-courts and their punishment
ut eum nihil delectaret
that nothing pleased him
quod aut per naturam fas esset
which was either right by (the law of) nature
aut per leges liceret
or permissible by the law (of man)