44 Flashcards
sed quid
but what
ego argumentor?
am I proving?
quid plura disputo?
why am I arguing any more?
te, Quinte Petili, appello
I appeal to you Quintus Petilius
optimum et fortissimum civem
you the finest and bravest citizen
te, Marce Cato, testor
to you as a witness, Marcus Cato
quos…divina quaedam sors
whom some kind of divine chance
mihi…dedit iudices
has given to me as jurymen
you have heard
ex Marco Favonio
from Marcus Favonius
Clodium sibi dixisse
that Clodius had said it to him
et audistis vivo Clodio
and you heard while Clodius was alive
periturum Milonem triduo
that Milo would be dead within three days
post diem tertium
on the third day after
he had said it
gesta res…est
the incident happened
cum ille non dubitarit
when that man did not hesitate
to reveal
quid cogitaret
what he was contemplating
vos potestis
are you able
to doubt
quid fecerit
what he did?