45 Flashcards
quem ad modum igitur
how therefore
eum dies non fefellit
did he get the day right? (literally: did the day not deceive him?)
dixi equidem modo
I actually just told you
negoti nihil erat
it was not at all difficult
to have got to know
stata sacrificia
the appointed sacrifices
dictatoris Lanuvini
of the chief-magistrate of/at Lanuvium
vidit necesse esse Miloni
he saw that it was necessary for Milo
proficisci Lanuvium
to set out for Lanuvium
illo ipso quo est profectus die
on that very day on which he did set out
itaque antevertit
and so he went before him
at quo die?
but on what day?
quo, ut ante dixi
on the day on which, as I said before
fuit insanissima contio
there was a most insane public assembly
stirred up
tribuno plebis
by a tribune of the people
ab ipsius mercennario
bribed by himself
quem diem…quam contionem…quos clamores
that day, that meeting, that uproar
nisi approperaret
if he had not been hastening
ad cogitatum facinus
to some premeditated crime
ille…numquam reliquisset
he never would have abandoned
ergo illi ne…quidem
therefore he did not actually
causa itineris
have a reason for a journey
(sed) etiam causa manendi
(but) he even had a reason for staying
Miloni…nulla facultas…fuit
Milo had no opportunity
for staying
(et) non causa solum
and not only a reason
exeundi sed etiam necessitas
but also a need for going away
quid si
what if this were true
ut ille scivit
just as that man knew
Milonem fore…in via
that Milo would be on the road
eo die
that day
sic…Milo ne…quidem potuit
in the same way Milo could not even have
Clodium suspicari…?
have suspected that Clodius (would be)?