32 Flashcards
how on earth (sarcastic)
probari potest
can it be proved
fecisse Clodium
that Clodius had laid
insidias Miloni
an ambush for Milo
satis est…quidem
on the one hand it is enough
in…tam audaci
in the case of such an audacious
illa…tam nefaria belua
such a wicked monster as that
to explain that
he would have had
magnam causam
a strong incentive
magnam spem
great hope
in Milonis morte propositam
apparent in Milo’s death
magnas utilitates
(and) great advantages
itaque illud Cassianum…valeat
let that favourite saying of Cassius’ prevail
‘cui bono fuerit’
‘who stood to gain’
in his personis
with regards to these characters
etsi boni
even if good men
nullo emolumento impelluntur
are not persuaded by any inducement at all
in fraudem
to commit a crime
wicked men
saepe parvo
often (are) by a trivial (one)
Milone interfecto
with Milo killed
Clodius haec adsequebatur
Clodius gaining these things
non modo
not only
praetor esset
that he would be praetor
non eo consule
without having that man as consul
quo sceleris facere nihil posset
under whom he could do nothing of a criminal nature
sed etiam
but also
ut praetor esset
that he would be praetor
eis consulibus
with those men as consuls
si non adiuvantibus
if they were not aiding
at coniventibus certe
but certainly turning a blind eye
under whom he hoped
se…posse eludere
he could have the greatest possible enjoyment
in…suis cogitatis furoribus
in his schemed wild acts
those we all know
that those men
ut ipse ratiocinabatur
as he himself calculated
nec cuperent reprimere
would not wish to check
cuius conatus
his attempts
si possent
(even) if they could
cum arbitrarentur
when they considered
tantum beneficium ei se debere
that they owed him such a favour
et, si vellent
and if they did wish (to do so)
fortasse vix possent
that perhaps they would scarcely be able
to break the audacity
hominis sceleratissimi
of that most wicked man
conroboratam iam
which had already been strengthened
by the passing of time