24 Flashcards
Publius Clodius, cum statuisset
Publius Clodius, when he had decided
vexare rem publicam
to harass the republic
omni scelere
with every kind of wickedness
in praetura
during his praetorship
and he saw that
the elections
anno superiore
in the previous year
tracta esse
had been delayed
ita ut
in such a way that
non…gerere posset
he was unable to hold
multos menses praeturam
the praetorship for many months
qui non
(here) because he did not
ut ceteri
as others
honoris gradum
the level of honour
Lucium Paulum
Lucius (Aemilius) Paulus [presumably a politician]
sed et…effugere vellet…
but both wanting to escape
and seeking
conlegam…singulari virtute civem
a citizen of singular virtue, as his colleague
annum integrum
an entire year
ad dilacerandam rem publicam
to tear apart the state
subito reliquit annum suum
suddenly he abandoned his own year
and transferred himself
in proximum
to the next
non, ut fit
not, as (it) happens
religione aliqua
from some religious scruple
sed ut haberet
but so that he might have
quod ipse dicebat
as he himself said
plenum annum et integrum
a full and entire year
ad praeturam gerendam
to hold the praetorship
hoc est
this is
ad evertendam rem publicam
to overthrow the republic