47 Flashcards
videte, iudices
see, judges
quantae res
what great conclusions
sint confectae
have been established
his testimoniis
from these witness statements
primum certe liberatur Milo non
firstly, Milo is definitely acquitted (non emphasises what Milo didn’t do - not translated as a negative)
eo consilio profectus esse
from setting out with the particular intention
ut insidiaretur
of ambushing
in via Clodio
Clodius on the road
si ille…futurus…non erat
if that man was not going
obvius ei…omnino
to meet him at all
non enim video cur
for I do not see why
non agam
I should not deal
meum quoque negotium
with my business also
scitis, iudices
you know, judges
fuisse qui
that there have been those who
in hac rogatione suadenda
in supporting this bill
dicerent…caedem esse factam
were saying that the murder was committed
Milonis manu
at the hand of Milo
consilio vero maioris alicuius
but by the instigation of some more important figure
abiecti homines et perditi
these pathetic and depraved men
identified me
vidilicet latronem ac sciarum
obviously as a bandit and a cutthroat
iacent suis testibus
they are disproved by their own witnesses
qui Clodium negant…fuisse rediturum
who say that Clodius would not have returned
eo die Romam
to Rome that day
nisi de Cyro audisset
if he had not heard about Cyrus
respiravi, liberatus sum
I have breathed again, I have been delivered/acquitted
non vereor ne…videar
I have no further worries that I seem
id cogitasse
to have contemplated an act
quod ne suspicari quidem potuerim
which I could not have even suspected