35 Flashcards
but his hatred
fecit iratus
he acted in anger
fecit inimicus
he acted as an enemy
fuit ultor
he was the avenger
of his injustice
the punisher
doloris sui
of his own pain
what about this next point?
si haec fuerunt
if these feelings were
non dico
I do not say
maiora in Clodio
greater in Clodius
quam in Milone
than in Milo
sed in illo maxima
but the greatest in the former
nulla in hoc
and not at all in the latter
quid vultis amplius?
what more do you want?
quid enim…Milo
for why would Milo
odisset Clodium
have hated Clodius
segetem ac materiam
the soil and essence
suae gloriae
of his renown
praeter hoc civile odium
apart from this hatred that any citizen feels
quo omnes…odimus
by which we all hate
wicked men
illi erat ut odisset
he (Clodius) had a good reason to hate Milo
primum defensorem
firstly as the defender
salutis meae
of my security
deinde vexatorem furoris
then as the opponent of his fury
the conqueror
armorum suorum
of his arms
postremo etiam accusatorem suum
finally also his own accusor
reus enim Milonis…fuit Clodius
for Clodius would have been accused by Milo
lege Plotia
under the law of Plotius
quoad vixit
for as long as he lived
with what mind
creditis hoc tyrannum illum tulisse
do you believe that tyrant had borne this?
quantum odium illius
how great was his hatred
et…etiam iustum fuisse
and even how just was it
in homine iniusto quam
against an unjust man?