29 Flashcards
fit obviam Clodio
he goes to meet Clodius
ante fundum eius
in front of his estate
hora fere undecima
at almost the eleventh hour [around 5pm]
aut non multo secus
or not far off
statim complures
at once several men
cum telis
with weapons
make an attack
in hunc
on this man
de loco superiore
from a higher place
adversi raedarium
having turned towards the coach driver
they kill him
cum autem hic
but when this man
had leapt down
de raeda
from the carriage
reiecta paenula
having thrown off his heavy cloak
and was defending himself
acri animo
with a fierce spirit
illi qui erant cum Clodio…partim
some of those men who were with Clodius
gladiis eductis
with their swords drawn
start to run back
ad raedam
to the carriage
ut…Milonem adorirentur
to attack Milo
a tergo
from behind
partim, quod…putarent
others because they thought
hunc iam interfectum
that this man had already been slain
caedere incipiunt
start to slaughter
eius servos
his slaves
qui post erant
who were behind it
ex quibus
out of these
qui animo fideli in dominum…fuerunt
who were loyal to their master
et praesenti
and alert
partim occisi sunt
some were killed
partim, cum ad raedam pugnari viderent
others, when they saw fighting going on at the carriage
(cum) prohiberentur
when they were prevented
domino succurrere
from coming to the aid of their master
(cum) audirent
when they heard
Milonem occisum
that Milo had been killed
ex ipso Clodio
from Clodius himself
(cum) re vera putarent
when they thought this was true
servi Milonis
the slaves of Milo
dicam enim aperte
for I shall speak openly
non derivandi…causa
not for the sake of diverting
the guilt
sed ut factum est
but as it happened
nec imperante nec sciente nec praesente domino
with their master neither ordering them to, nor knowing, nor present
fecerunt id…quod
did what
would have wanted
suos servos…facere
his own slaves to do
in tali re
in such a situation