5- Eye Movements and Neurodiversity Flashcards
How was it previously proposed that dyslexia was cause?
Oculomotor dysfunction hypothesis
What is the oculomotor dysfunction hypothesis?
Dyslexia is caused by abnormal eye movements
What did the oculomotor dysfunction go against?
Early data showing comparable performance in saccade latency, accuracy, velocity, as well as fixation location and duration for general eye movement behaviour
What have more recent studies of dyslexic reading found?
There is not really a difference in how people with dyslexia read- eye movement is fairly consistent regardless of reading level in terms of acuity, convergence, etc
What do eye movement differences in dyslexia reflect?
Information processing
What is the difference between dyslexic readers and neurotypical readers?
Dyslexic readers make more fixations and show large frequency and word length effects
What is the phonological deficit hypothesis?
Dyslexia is caused by deficits in accessing and manipulating phonological information
How is reading in ASD readers compared to neurotypical readers?
ASD readers show no differences in frequency or syntactic attachment effects during reading
What is weak central coherence theory?
Individuals with ASD process contextual information less efficiently as they preferentially process local information
How has DCD been shown to affect educational achievement?
Children and adolescents with DCD found to perform more poorly in educational achievement
How many GCSEs did students with DCD achieve compared to controls?
Median of 2 compared to 7 in controls
What can poorer educational achievement in those with DCD be attributed to? (3 points)
Poorer handwriting, manipulation speed and increased fatigue
What differences in reading has DCD research found? (2 points)
Poorer spelling and reading ability, and higher levels of reading delay
What is the problem with DCD research?
No cognitive experiments currently exist to explain findings
What does reading rely strongly on?
Working memory capacity, cognitive control and executive control particularly when processing information beyond lexical access
How are individuals with DCD known to be disadvantaged when reading?
Have poorer working memory and executive function
Why might individuals with DCD make more fixations when making hand movements?
Possibly due to poor cognitive control
Why might children with DCD perform more slowly to name lists of words and numbers?
Possibly due to slower horizontal and vertical eye movements
How did readers with DCD seem to lexically access words?
Similarly to typically developing readers
How did DCD readers respond to first fixation of a high/low attached word?
They did not suffer any delay, whereas TD readers did
How did DCD readers compare to TD readers in terms of total fixation time?
Slower than TD readers