3- How to Measure Attentional Abilities? Flashcards
What is exogenous attention?
Automatic, involuntary focus on a salient stimulus
How is attention captured in exogenous attention?
By an external salient stimulus
How is exogenous attention controlled?
By something in the environment
What is endogenous attention?
Intentional direction of attention to stimuli
What is endogenous attention initiated by?
You the person
Is endogenous or exogenous attention more effortful?
Endogenous attention
What are we doing in endogenous attention?
We are deliberately trying to attract our information to different places
What is overt attention?
Attention shifts accompanied with eye movement
Why is moving our eyes helpful to attention?
More information gets processed when we move our eyes
How does overt attention contribute to selective attention?
We are selectively attending to aspects of a scene
What is covert attention?
Attention shifts without moving eyes
What initiates covert attention?
You the person
What do we do when using covert attention?
Choose to attend to certain things over others
Is overt or covert attention more difficult?
What was the goal of Posner’s spatial cueing task?
To maintain fixation