3- How do we Select Attention? Flashcards
What are the three considerations when looking at how we select attention?
When to select?
To what extent?
Based on what?
What is the early vs late selection debate?
Do we decide to keep/focus on early or late information?
What is the main type of study to study auditory attention?
Dichotic listening
Who proposed the dichotic listening study?
Cherry, 1953
What happens in the dichotic listening task? (3 points)
- Different information goes into each ear
- Person is asked to focus on left or right input
- Asked to verbally repeat the input so that the experimenter knows whether or not information is being attended to
What is the cocktail party effect?
We are able to focus on certain aspects of a situation and ignore background information
What does the cocktail party effect show?
That we can apply selective attention
Who proposed the early filter model?
Broadbent, 1958
What does the early filter model propose?
Only specific information is selected for processing
What does the early filter model suggest happens to attended to information vs unattended information?
Attended to information can continue to higher-level processing and unattended information is lost
What does the early filter model say selection is based on?
Physical properties
Which information goes to the sensory store in the early filter model?
Both attended and unattended information
What happens in the sensory store?
Sounds are registered and transformed into electrochemical energy
What issues are there with the early filter model? (3)
- Unattended yet highly familiar information can slip past the filter
- Can’t always explain every situation
- Attention might not be allocated in an all-or-none way
Who proposed the attenuation model?
Treisman, 1964