4. Respiratory system upper airways Flashcards
Steps of examinations of the respiratory tract:
- nose and paranasal sinuses
- coughing
- larynx and pharynx
- trachea
- thorax
How do you examine the nose and paranasal sinuses?
- external and internal inspection
- palpation
- percussion
- smelling
What are the further examinations of the nasal and paranasal sinuses?
- nasal discharge: cytologic, bacter., mycologic and parasitic examination
- X-ray
- endoscopy (rhinoscopy, sinuscopy in horse)
- diagnostic punction
- biopsy
- diagnostic rhinotomy
- nasogastric tubing
what do you look for when you examine the nose and paranasal sinuses?
- Shape, form of the nose
- Occurrence of nasal stridor
- Expired air
- Occurrence of nasal discharge
- Nasal plane
- Nasal openings (nostrils), mucous membranes
- Palate, nasopharynx
- Paranasal and frontal sinuses
What is the normal noise of a nasal stridor?
normal: faint regular noise during expiration
in brachycephal dogs the noise is more intensive
What are the abnormal sounds of a nasal sounds?
Abnormal sounds:
- stridor(during inspir. or expir. or both)
- narrowed air passages (localization and side of narrowing)
- sneezing (important reflex which protect the respir. syst)
- in dogs: often normal, cats: rhinotracheitis
- in rabbits: about rhinitis
- snoring, stertor (in brachycephal dogs)
- reverse sneezing
- singultation (puppies)
Explain the stridor:
Nasal stridor
sniffing sound
Explain the stridor: Pharyngeal stridor
snorring sound
Explain the stridor:
Laryngeal stridor
soft „sawing” sound
Explain the stridor:
Collapsed trachea
expiratory! tooting sound
Explain the stridor:
Larynx paralysis
inspiratory stridor
Explain the stridor:
Narrow trachea, bronchus
mixed stridor
Occurrence of nasal stridor, abnormal sounds:
- purring (in cats)
- noises caused pain
- groaning (in dog, horses rarely, in cows often)
- howling (in dogs)
- alteration of voice (rabies)
- noiseless
- panting (in dogs)
When checking the expired air, what do you check?
odor, smell
When checking the nasal discharge what do you check?
- continuity (permanent/periodic)
- side (left/right/both)
- quantity
- quality: consistency
- color
- odor, smell
How can the quality:consistency of the nasal discharge be described?
Watery Mucous Mucopurulent Hemorrhagic Foamy Contains food Intake Foreign material Debris
When checking the nasal plane what do you check?
surface (intactness)
How do you describe a normal nasal plane?
moist, intact, pigmented
When checking the nasal openings and nostrils what do you check?
- shape of the nostrils
- width
- movability of the nasal alae
- symmetricy
- mucous membranes, inside examination
When checking the palate and nasopharynx what do you check?
abnormalities, mm
Mention all the sinuses
sinus maxillares sinus frontalis sinus lacrimalis sinus ethmoidale sinus palatinus sinus sphenopalatinae sinus sphenoidalis
How do you examine the paranasal and frontal sinuses?
- inspection
- palpation
- percussion
- endoscopy (in horse)
- X-ray, CT, MR
- diagnostic punction