2 - nationale, anemnesis Flashcards
Give the order of documentation for the examination results:
- Signalment/nationale
- Anamnesis (history)
- Status praesens (current state)
What should the signalment/nationale include?
Name and adress of owner,
Permanent data of the animal
Transient data of the animal
What is the permanent data of the animal:
Species Breed, Sex Colour Colour pattern Nose impression Blood group Marks, (chestnuts, whorl, permanent blemishes or defects)
what is the transient data of the animal:
Age Body weight Brand marks Microchip Tattoos Ear tags Withers height Name?
Type of coats
Long, curly, smooth, wire-haired
Form of ears
Pendulous, erect, cropped
State of tail
Natural, docked
Which questions should you ask about the health state of the animal?
- How long has the animal been ill?
- What kind of abnormalities has the owner observed?
- Were there any change in the state of the animal since the observation of the disease?
- Were the same or any other symptoms previously observed?
If yes, at what time?
What should the anamnesis contain?
- inquiries concering the animal,
2. inquiries concering the environment.
What should be included concering the animal?
Health state Previous veterinary and other interventions, Reproductive state Productivity Transport.
What should be included concering the environment?
Health state of the animal population
Change of owner.
What questions should be asked concering the health state of the animal population?
- How many and what kind of animals are kept together with the sick animal?
- How many are ill?
Have similar or different diseases previously been observed among them?
Death? If yes, its degree! - Were any laboratory or instrumental examinations performed?
- General epidemiological, parasitic state of the group/herd?
What questions should be asked concering the husbandry of the animal population?
- Housing
- Hygienic conditions
- Possibility of the ingestion of toxic materials
- Change of the person who works with the animal
What questions should be asked concering the nutrition?
- Quality and quantity of the food
- Feeding technology, way of eating
- Water intake: amount, way of drinking
- Feces (stool), urine
What are the 14 check points for the status praesens?
- General impression
- Basic clinical values
- Skin
- Lymph nodes
- Mucous membranes
- Respiratory system
- Cardiovascular system
- Gastrointestinal system
- Urinary system
- Genital system
- Spleen and haemopoetic system
- Hormonal glands
- Locomotion system
- Nervous system
- General impression
-Body size (height, body weight)
-Body shape and developmental state, matures (skeleton,
-Nutritional condition
-General condition, grooming
(hair, fleece, footpads, claw, hoof)
-Consciousness and behavior (general demeanor)
(restless, excited, raging, maniac behavior, apathetic, sopor)
-Locomotion (gait)
-Obvious abnormalities
Nutritional conditions:
obese-overweight (stout)
- normal (optimal)
- under weight-thin (slim)
- very thin (skinny)-emaciated-cachexia
Body condition score: 1=
1 = Emaciated
Body condition score: 2=
2 = Thin
Body condition score:4=
4 = Stout
Body condition score: 5=
5 = Obese
Which body score does this describe?
Large fat deposits over chest,spine and tail base.
Waist and abdominal tuck absent.
Fat deposits on neck and limbs.
Abdomen distended
5 = Obese
Which body score does this describe?
General fleshy appearance.
Ribs palpable with difficulty.
Noticeable fat deposits over lumbar spine and tail base.
Abdominal tuck may be absent.
Which body score does this describe?
Ribs, lumbar vertebrae, pelvic bones and all body prominences evident from a distance.
No discernible body fat.
Obvious absence of muscle mass.
Which body score does this describe?
Ribs easily palpated and may be visible with no palpable fat.
Tops of lumbar vertebrae visible.
Pelvic bones less prominent.
Obvious waist and abdominal abdominal tuck.
What should you look for when evaluating the decreased behaviour?
Breed = physiologic variations
Bright, alert: makes normal response to external stimuli, obvious interest in the surroundings
Dull /apathy: reaction to normal stimuli being retarded, suppressed
Sopor: sleepiness
Dummy, stupor: advanced degree of failure to respond remains standing, capable of movement
Coma: unconscious, fails to respond to even a painful stimuli
What should you look for when evaluating the increased behaviour?
Nervous, tense, excited, anxious: Increased responsiveness to external stimuli.
Appears alert, but normal movement
Restlessness: movement is almost constant, usually caused by pain (colic:consisting of lying down, rolling, getting up again, kicking the belly)
Mania: extreme form of abnormal behaviour, aberrations appear to be compulsive, vigorous licking, head pressing. frenzy: animal’s action are uncontrolled
Describe pathologic behavior:
- Self mutilation
- Compulsive actions: head-pressing, walking in circle, mania
- Convulsion, tail chasing, fly biting
- Aggression
What do you look at when you control the posture and locomotion?
Position of the:
- head
- ear
- neck
- trunck
- spinal column
- legs
- tail
- weight balance
What do you look at when you control the posture and locomotion, when the animal is standing?
- Weight bearing equally on all legs (Bear less weight on one leg)
- Legs may not be adequately extended or overextended
What do you look at when you control the posture and locomotion, regarding the spinal column?
- Arched, sagging back (kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis)
- abduction of elbows
- Stiffly extended neck
What are the abnormal gaits?
lameness stiffness stilted gait exaggerated flexion stumbling, goose-stepping gait ataxia
what are the basic clinical values?
Temp, pulse/minute, breathing rate/minute
Normal temp for dog
Dog: 38,2-39,1
Normal temp for cat
Cat: 38,5-39,3
Normal pulse for a dog
Dog: 60-70 -140 (180)
60-70 at home
Normal pulse for a cat
Cat: 140-180 (200),
120-130 at home
Normal breathing
Clinc: <40, at home: <30, sleeping: <25
what can cause the temperature to increase?
- sun, work, excitement, feeding, heating
- fever, inflammation, irritation of the heat centre
- heat stroke, muscle contraction (unregulated hyperthermia)
What can cause the temperature to decrease?
- cool, 1-1,5 day before calving, exhaustion, cachexia, opened anus
- hypovolemic shock, barbiturate toxicosis: species, breed, age, sex, condition
what can alter the pulse/minute?
species, breed, temperament, excitement!, age, sex, training
Where do you measure the pulse?
What can narrow or obstruction of the airways cause?
nose:inflammation, foreign body, larynx paralysis, oedema, trachea hypoplasia,
collapse, inflammation, oedema, neoplasma, macro or microbronchitis
What is increased breathing rate called?
tachypnoe, polypnoe
What is decreased breathing rate called?
oligopnoe, bradypnoe
What can decreased breathing surface?
pneumonia lung oedema neoplasma abscess pneomothorax hydrothorax, haemothorax pleuritis
What can be an obstacle of the movement of the diaphragma?
gastric torsion
What can cause decreased oxygen level of the blood?
CO toxicosis
What can does decreased breathing surface lead to?
tachypnoe, polypnoe
What can increase the breathing rate?
Fever Narrow or obstruction of the airways Decreased breathing surface Obstacle of the movement of the diaphragma, Systemic painful disease, Central nervous irritation Decreased oxygen level of the blood.
What can decrease the breathing rate?
Encephalitis between the excited periods
Brain oedema