15. Examination of the nervous system 1. Flashcards
4 steps of the clinical examination:
- ASK - history!!!
- WATCH - general aspects (no physical contact)
- TOUCH – physical examination without
causing pain - PAIN - examination of pain perception
Which additional information is important to get from the owner?
•Environmental/housing conditions:
- House or garden
- Feeding
- Other animals at home
•Breed-predisposition, age
-Familiar occurence?
what do you inspect without move?
- body posture
- head position
- eye position,
- movement
- consciousness
what do you inspect on move?
- walk
- turn
- sit-stand
Physical examination: touch:
- palpation (symmetry, muscle atrophy, crepitation, fracture)
- postural reactions, spinal reflexes
- cranial nerves
- sensitivity of skin and mucous membranes
- manipulation
Physical examination: pain
Pain sensation
- superficial
- deep pain
Instruments for the physical examination
- reflex hammer
- arterial clamp, needle
- penlight
What is the goal of the physical examination?
Locate the problem
Neurological or not neurological
If it is neurologic what can it be?
central or peripheral
If it is central where can it be?
brain or spinal cord
Which additional examinations can be done?
- X-ray
- CT (computed tomography)
- MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
- EEG (electroencephalography)
- EMG (electromyography)
- Laboratory examinations
What is the goal of a myelography?
to demonstrate compression of the spinal cord (as alterations in
the subarachnoid space surrounding the spinal cord)
What is a myelography?
- Special X-ray procedure
* Contrast agent is injected into the subarachnoid space
What is the indications of a CT image?
brain or other structures of the head, spine, thoracic imaging etc.
What can Contrast in a CT show?
-It enhance densitiy differences between lesions and surrounding parenchima
→ demonstrate vascular anatomy