3.16 attitudes to empire-the role and influence of individuals Flashcards
Background of Ghandi (4)
-trained as a barrister in London
-began career in South Africa for 20 years from 1893
Championed civil rights for Indians in area
Work won him wide spread respect and opened the doors to congress
What were Ghandi’s beliefs?
-peaceful resistance to British rule (based on Satyagrah principle)
-United India equal rights for Hindus and Indians -rejected caste system
-rejected western urbanisation
When does Ghandi start speaking out against British rule and the caste system!
What happened to Ghandi in 1915?
Becomes president of Indian national congress
What act is Ghandi appalled at?
1919 Rowlatt act
After what event does Ghandi begin his campaign for full independence
1919 Amritsar massacre
What did Ghandi do in 1920?
Organised non-cooperation movement, taxes upheld
By the end of 1922 30,000 had been arrested due to this mass action
When does Ghandi fast for 3 weeks to promote Hindu-Muslim unity?
When was Ghandi’s anti salt March and how many supporters did he have?
80,000 supporters 1931
24 dat March to Dandi
Why was Ghandi arrested by the British in 1942
He helped organised the quit india campaign
Who was Nehru ?
Led congress when independence came in 1947
Who was Subhas Bose?
Prepared to use violence to break away from congress-formed Indian national army who fought against British
Who was Muhammad Ali Jinnah?
Led Muslim league to support portion over a United India
What changes were made to imperial administration in London 1925?
Colonial office split into two departments (dominions office and the colonial office)
What were the 3 cabinet positions responsible for empire by 1925
Secretary of State for India
Secretary of State for dominions
Secretary of State for colonies
What was Lord Passfield’s dual mandate in 1931?
Belief that a colonial power had a double responsibiliy!
To its colonial peoples and to give them self gov
What was trusteeship?
Concept where colonies has to be ruled in a way that looked afte the interests of indigenous people as well as white people-economic development should benefit indigenous population
Who came up with trusteeship?
1927 colonial secretary Leo Amery
Who was responsible for reforms that led to gov of India act?
Montagu Secretary of State for India 1917-22
Who came up with the idea of India as partners of india?
Sir harry Haig(life long administrator)opposed Ghandi’s campaign for independence
Who was Lord Linlithgow?
Viceroy of India 1935-43- promoted further enfranchisement of Indians in the gov of India act 1935
He was also an opponent of Ghandi- Indians blamed him for division max lack of economic development but he was praised in Britain
Who was Sir Donald Cameron?
Governor Tanganyika 1924-31 and Nigeria 1931-35
Believer in trusteeship
Promoted exports of ground nuts and palm oil
Who was Baron Hailey?
In the Indian civil service and a key participant in the conferences leading to 1935 gov of India act
Travelled 20,000 miles to produce an African server for royal institute pf international affairs
Who was sir Charles Arden?
Moved to Gold Coast and president over the first African colony to gain independence in 1957