a level history-british empire

This class was created by Brainscape user Joe Power. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

1.1 Expansion Into Africa
When does british invest in afric...,
How did britain loose control of ...,
What does the swing to the east i...
49  cards
1.2 Imperal And Colonial Policy
Who made the policy decisions abo...,
When head of the colonial office ...,
Hat is a crown colony
32  cards
1.3 Trade And Commerce
What is mercantilism,
What is a protectionist,
What was trade and commerce in th...
33  cards
1.4 Attitides To Empire-role And Influence Of Individuals
Who was david livingstone,
When was livingstones death and w...,
Who was john kirk
18  cards
1.5 Attitudes Towards Imperialism In Britan
How did british gov view empire f...,
Why did the govs view on empire b...,
When was disraeli pm
14  cards
1.6 Relations With Indegenous People
Who started the indian rebellion,
What is the traditional reason fo...,
What was the religious sensibilit...
28  cards
2.7 Consolidation And Expansion Of British Empire In Africa
What changed with british policy ...,
Why had britain colonised parts o...,
How did britain control areas of ...
54  cards
2.8 Imperal Amd Colonial Power
Why did the colonial office d hav...,
Why did governors have to be care...,
How was the raj administered
51  cards
2.9 Trade And Commerce
What was the general assumption a...,
Did britain have a disproportiona...,
What were the main goods that ind...
24  cards
2.10 Attitudes To Empire-the Role And Influence Of Individuals
What did joseph chamberlain turn ...,
What did chamberlain believe when...,
What did chamberlain believe need...
43  cards
2.11 Attitudes Towards Imperialism In Britain
Where was empire widely accepted,
Evidence for the empire being sup...,
What was the liberals aim with em...
27  cards
2.12 Relatioms Witn Indigenous People
When did a nationalist movement o...,
What does sedition mean,
Who were the main cause of opposi...
39  cards
3.13 expansion and contraction of empire
What countries contributed signif...,
What did the empire also supply b...,
When does david lloyd george beco...
57  cards
3.14 colonial policy and administration
What is a dyarchy,
How did 1919 gov of india act cha...,
What was the legislative council
23  cards
3.15 trade, commerce and the economic activity of war
What were the 4 economic damages ...,
Effect of ww1 on britain debt,
Effect of ww1 on britain markets ...
21  cards
3.16 attitudes to empire-the role and influence of individuals
Background of ghandi 4,
What were ghandi s beliefs,
When does ghandi start speaking o...
26  cards
3.17 imperialist ideas
How did people britain view the e...,
What slightly changed the jingois...,
How did gov promote empire
15  cards
3.18 relations with indigenous people
How did indians respond to imperi...,
How did indians respond to imperi...,
How did middle east react to brit...
24  cards
4.19 decolonisation in Africa and Asia
What colonies gained independence...,
How did ww2 cause african nationa...,
What 5 key factors contributed to...
66  cards
4.20 colonial policy and administration
How successful was the labour gov...,
What was britain s relationship w...,
What was the new commonwealth att...
52  cards
4.21 trade and commerce
1948 imports and exports from com...,
1960 imports and exports from com...,
1948 imports and exports from wes...
16  cards
4.22 attitudes to empire-role and influence of individuals
What were the reasons nationalism...,
What way did nationalist leaders ...,
How influential were leaders in b...
34  cards
4.23 post-colonial ties
How did britain meaning influence...,
How did commonwealth maintain pol...,
Why was it significant the common...
37  cards
4.24 relations with indigenous people
4 reason nationalism grew in afri...,
Why did the legacy of war increas...,
Why did economic and social disco...
27  cards

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a level history-british empire

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