2.11 Attitudes Towards Imperialism In Britain Flashcards
Where was empire widely accepted
Among the ruling elites
Evidence for the empire being supported at all levels of society?
Conservative win Kharki election 1900
What was the liberals aim with empire
Education and improvement of colonies-ultimate purpose of self rule w
What did Lord Salisbury believe in?
European rule was for the advancement of ‘backward races’
What did ‘high imperialists believe’
Strong independent empire rules by white people
Non white people subjects and not citizens
What did Joseph chamberlain believe only empire could solve ?
National crisis of military and industrial advances of powers
Who was one of the strongest critics of empire?
John. A. Hobson
What did Hobson believe about empire
Views catalysed by boer war -
Imperial expansion only benefited rich capitalists who made profit through investment
Emily Hobhouse?
Wrote reposts which led to a gov enquiry into the conditions in the British concentration camps -helped tarnish the allure of imperialism and it supposed civilising mission
Wilfred Scawen Blunt?
Imitated the pro-imperialist poet Kipling
Who was Herbert Spencer?
Influential philosopher who criticised the Victorian enthusiasm for colonial acquisition of colonies
Frederic Harrison?
Radical left-wing lawyer who believed imperialism to be unethical
How did the empire affect literature and music?
-Kipling shaped British attitude pre 1914- almost religious belief in empire and filled his work with reference to Britain’s higher goals
-Guants novels focused on committed colonists such as missionaries civil servants and scientists
-Henry Cpwars took a Sheffield Choir on a musical tour of dominions 1911
How did empire affect advertising?
-images used to spread awareness about empire
-frequently used imperial themes and connotations to sell their goods-suggesting British public felt favourably towards empire
How did empire affect youth movements and education?
Robert Baden-Powell (hero of Boer war) sets up Boy Scout movement in 1908
Imperial message spread through books organisations, schools and young people were reminded of their mission and duty
Increased literacy rates produced markets for nooks and comics which had stories of adventures with imperial themes
Howard Handley Spicer published boys of our empire magazine set up by boys empire leafier and an annual book focusing on the colonies
How did empire affect architecture?
Lutyens designed both in Britain and empire-responsible for Johannesburg art gallery from 1911 and British Pavillioj at the international exhibition in Rome in the same year
How did empire affect festivals and exhibitions?
-Queen Victoria Diamond jubilee 1897 celebrated military power of Britain empire day
-souvenir books and postcards helped convey the value of empire to the general public
King George V’s coronation was celebrated with a festival at Crystal Palace in 1911
How did empire affect the popular press?
-Golden age of newspaper publication technical advances in printing , the emergence of professional journalism with a political agenda
Alfred Harmsworth established daily mail 1896( sold over a million copies a day) and established daily mirror in 1903
Helped create tabloid journalism daily mail record for world circulation until his death
When did Lord Northcliffe acquire the Sunday times?
When did national efficiency become a focus?
End of the Boer war where 30,000 Boers had held out against empire for 3 years
Example of why national efficiency was needed
only 3000/11000 volunteers from Manchester were fit enoug got be accepted in military service
Before national efficiency across the whole country what % of military volunteers had to be turned away
What was the measures taken for national efficiency?
1902 educational act: raised standards and the extend of education leading to extra 1000 secondary schools opening over the following decade
-dreadnaught battle ship developed to compete with the Germans
-free school meals
Old age pensions
School medical inspections
What date were free school meals introduced