1.2 Imperal And Colonial Policy Flashcards
Who made the policy decisions about Britain’s overseas colonies?
The elected government
When head of the colonial office was in the…
Hat is a crown colony?
Colony ruled directly by an appointee of the British crown and accountable to the colonial office
(most crown colonies had overwhelmingly non-white populations and there were views that these people were ‘incapable of ruling themselves’
What is a responsible government?
A system of government similar to Britan where a country has its own government ministers who are answerable to individual elected parliaments
When was the colonial office first established?
Why did British move towards responsible government in the white settler colonies in 1838
After the Durham report
When was the east India company given a monopoly over trade with Asia
By 1750 had large bases at Madras, Calcutta and Bombay
How many people in India were living under British rule 1871
236 million
What was the downfall of the East India company
Indian rebellion sepoys serving in the army rebelled at it took a year for Britain to put down costing 1000s of lives
When was the east India company entirely dissolved?
What was included in the gov of India act 1858
-East India’s company’s territory’s passed to queen and
-cabinet post Secretary of State for India was created(had powers and duties forming exercised by east India company’s directors)
-15 member Indian council appointed to assist Secretary of State and act as an advisory body for Indian affairs
-viceroy replace company’s governor general
Indian civil service placed under control of secretary of state
How was India administered from 1858?
-viceroy ruled with legislative council (5 people responsible for finance, laws army and home affairs:
-provincial governors represented the viceroy in the provinces and had their own legislative councils
-approx 1000 British civil servants were employed as members of the Indian civil service
Basic administrative functions were collection of taxes, maintenance of laws and running courts
(Crown bring little change from an India perspective)
When does Queen Victoria become empires of India
Jan 1877
(Also greater respect shown for Indian practises and customs after the rebellion)
How did Britain rely on cooperation of natives?
-viceroy relied on native rulers in charge of 565 independently princely states
-until 1858 doctrine of lapse ensured states fell under British rule when line of descent ended -removal of this doctrine ensured princes loyalty to the crown
-Britain had to rely on Indian bureaucrats as the middle class wanted a greater say In administration refusal led to Indian national congress being set up
-within civil service Indians recruited as low level clerks
How was Indian defended after 1858
-East India companies armies brought control under crown proportion of British to Indian troops 1:2
-regiments of native Indian troops cut of from one and other to prevent ant sense of unity (also mixed by cast and religion’
-more Gurkhas and Sikhs who had been loyal to replace Bengalis who had not
-all field artillery in British hands
-3000 miles of railway track added exaggerating British presence
-every major dirty has troop garrisons on standby
-viceroy set up imperial police force to avoid replace on the army
Describe the threats to the empire 1870-90
-industrial rivals imposed high duties to protect their own economic interests(Britain were dependent on free trade)
-Britain suffering from 1870s depression
Why did Germany pose a threat to empire?
-United from 1871
-powerful military defeated France anglo-Prussian war
-by 1890 Germany had gained many colonies (SW Africa threat to cape)(also took Cameroon)
-growing industrial strength with a pop of 45mil
-started building up navy
Why did France pose a threat to the empire?
-determined to recover its prestige after defeat in anglo-Prussian war 1871- took part in a naval building programme which allowed it to explore more places
-established foothold in Indo-China 1860 and gradually expanded north -seen as threat to British trade in the far east
Due to long depression France looked from new markets in Africa and they also chipped away at Ottoman Empire more than Britain did
-France remained a threat in Sudan until the Fashoda incident
Why did Russia pose a threat to empire?
-accumulated large territory in 1870 bringing Russia closer to Afghanistan (20 miles apart)
-Russia planed to conquer Ottoman Empire threat to Egypt and Suez Canal
-extremely large population (77mil 1870) so could have a large army
-under took railway projects (trans-Caspian railway)-seen by British as able to transport troops to Afghanistan
-after Alexander’ II assassination in 1881 Alexander III concentrated on avoiding wars so threat is less
What was the British response to the threat of these European powers?
French activity in Indo-China annexed territory in Malaya (1874)
Brunei (1885) and upper Burma (1885)
Expanded more than originally planned so dominant position wouldn’t be lose
Afghan invaded 1878 to force Amir to accept British control-effectively becomes a protectorate
When is Brussels conference and who’s it hosted by
King Leopold II of Belgium to protect his infests in Congo
What was concluded at the Brussels conference 1876
-Africans incapable of developing natural resources found in central Africa (European intervention therefore necessary)
-routes to Africas Great Lakes need to be developed by building roads or railways
-international African association established to coordinate European efforts
What was the result of the Brussels conference 1876
Heightened competition as people were suspicious of Leopold’s intentions
By 1884 what % of Africa in European hands
When is the Berlin conference?
By 1900 what % the continent in European hands?
What happened at the Berlin conference 1884-5
German chancellor Bismarck hosted attended by foreign ministers of 14 European states -USA
Gerneral act:
-Initially agreed that basins of Congo and Nike revived remain neutral and open to trade
-Powers should help indigenous people people and suppress slave trade
Support religious undertakings especially Christian missionaries
-effective occupation principle: power can assert claim to land and notify all other powers -if only another power could put in a rival claim its right to colonise questioned
Want occurred after the Berlin conference 1984-85
-90% Africa in European hands 1900
-allowed empires to expand without risk of conflicts
-did little for indigenous people no representation little concern for natural borders of ethnic and religious divisions
-did little to suppress slave trade
What was the informal empire?
No legal claim but influenced through British in economic ways trade then trade agreements
How as China an example of informal empire?
-Britain trading bases in Shanghai and Hong long (treaties of Nanking 1843 and Tientsin 1858)- were settled by British people and governed by British laws
Influence needed to fiance east India company by selling China opium
-used its power to threaten to disrupt opium trade
How was Afghanistan part of informal empire?
Threat of full invasion in 1879 secured treaty of Gandamak which provided Britain with strategic territorial gained and control over its foreign policy
How was South America part of informal empire?
-10% of imports and exports 1850-19000
Threats of force used to maintain trade agreements: Mexico under pressure to uphold fair trade treaties in 1861