2208 Flashcards
D. that does not stop holding something or give up something easily; determined
E. The party has kept its tenacious hold on power for more than twenty years.
D. one of the principles or beliefs that a theory or larger set of beliefs is based on
E. one of the basic/central tenets of Christianity
D. not definite or certain because you may want to change it later; not behaving or done with confidence
E. We made a tentative arrangement to meet on Friday. / I’m taking the first tentative steps towards fitness.
D. thin; slight
D. the period of time when somebody holds an important job, especially a political one; the act of holding an important job; the right to stay permanently in your job, especially as a teacher at a university
E. his four-year tenure as President / She knew that tenure of high political office was beyond her. / It’s still extremely difficult to get tenure.
D. lukewarm, sometimes in a way that is not pleasant; not enthusiastic
E. a tepid bath / The play was greeted with tepid applause.
D. a woman who is very strict or who tries to tell people what to do, in an unpleasant way
D. pertaining to the end
s. pertaining to the land
D. concise
D. third in order, rank or importance
E. the tertiary sector (= the area of industry that deals with services rather than materials or goods)
D. irritable
E. The old man sounded testy. / ‘Leave me alone,’ she said testily.
D. government of a country by religious leaders
E. theocratic rule
D. curing
E. Painting can be very therapeutic.
D. pertaining to heat
D. pertaining to drama; an actor
E. Her popularity owed much to her thespian talents.
D. the state of being a thrall, slavery
E. His gaze held her in thrall. / She was in thrall to her emotions.
p.s. enthralling-positive-if something enthralls you, it is so interesting, beautiful, etc. that you give it all your attention
D. violent pains, especially at the moment of death; pangs
E. The creature went into its death throes.