1610 Flashcards
D. extremely proud; immoderate
E. a director who has little patience for overweening actors who think they are above taking advice and criticism / overweening desire for wealth and fame
D. one who opposes wars
D. a song of joy or praise
E. his retirement party featured many paeans for his long years of service to the company
D. suitable for eating
D. very large and impressive, like a palace
D. idle talk
E. Enough of this palaver. We have a lot to discuss.
D. to become boring or otherwise bothersome
E. his humor began to pall on us
D. to lessen (pain); to excuse
E. treatments that can palliate the painful symptoms of the disease / don’t try to palliate your constant lying by claiming that everybody lies
D. pale
E. The movie is a pallid version of the classic novel
D. able to be felt or to be grasped by the senses
E. The attraction between them was palpable. / There was a palpable excitement in the air as the town prepared for the festival.
D. insignificant
E. a paltry, underhanded scheme to get someone fired / the hotel’s shabby, outdated exercise room was its paltry attempt at a health spa
D. a cure-all
E. The law will improve the lives of local farmers, but it is no panacea. / a woman who seems to believe that chicken soup is a panacea for nearly everything
D. to cater to another’s unworthy desires, especially sexual
E. The speech was pandering to racial prejudice. / He refuses to pander to the latest fashions.
D. a formal tribute, a speech or piece of writing praising somebody/something
E. wrote a panegyric on the centennial of the Nobel laureate’s birth /
D. a suit of armor; a large and impressive number or collection of something
E. the full panoply of a military funeral / no need for the panoply of power
D. an example or model
E. a new study that challenges the current evolutionary paradigm
D. a statement that appears false but may be true; a statement that contradicts itself and is false
D. a model of perfection
E. in Arthurian legend, Sir Galahad is depicted as the one knight who is a paragon of virtue