2116 Flashcards
D. very dirty and unpleasant; involving low moral standards or dishonest behaviour
E. squalid, overcrowded refugee camps / It was a squalid affair involving prostitutes and drugs.
D. to waste
E. He squandered all his money on gambling.
D. not amusing or interesting; boring and old-fashioned; sober
E. The museum is trying to get rid of its staid image.
D. a loyal supporter who does a lot of work for an organization, especially a political party
E. They have been stalwarts of the local amateur dramatic society for over 30 years.
D. the physical or mental strength that enables you to do something difficult for long periods of time
E. It takes a lot of stamina to run a marathon.
D. looking severe and without any colour or decoration; unpleasant, real, and impossible to avoid; complete and total
E. I think white would be too stark for the bedroom. / The remains of the building stand as a stark reminder of the fire. / The children watched in stark terror.
D. position or state
staunch. stanch
D. steadfast in loyalty or principle
E. He’s a staunch believer in the value of regular exercise.
D. pertaining to the stars; excellent
E. a stellar performance
D. loud and powerful
E. He spoke in stentorian tones.
D. a sign of disgrace
E. There is no longer any stigma attached to being divorced.
D. not natural or relaxed; too formal
E. We made stilted conversation for a few moments.
D. to restrict or holdback; a period of time spent at a particular activity
E. stinted herself of luxuries / served a brief stint as a waiter
D. salary
E. a monthly stipend / a summer internship with a small stipend
D. showing no reaction
D. not showing much emotion or interest; remaining always the same and not reacting or changing
E. Mark sat stolid and silent.
D. a narrow water way; a difficult situation
E. The factory is in dire straits. / She found herself in desperate financial straits.
D. a trick, scheme or plan that you use to gain an advantage or to trick an opponent
E. to adopt a cunning stratagem