1886 Flashcards
D. extremely hungry
D. an amount of money that is paid back to you because you have paid too much; an amount of money that is taken away from the cost of something, before you pay for it
E. a tax rebate / Buyers are offered a cash rebate.
D. to scold sharply
D. stubborn; hard to handle
E. the manager worried that the recalcitrant employee would try to undermine his authority
D. to say, often publicly, that you no longer have the same belief or opinion that you had before
E. He made a public recantation of all his former beliefs.
D. to repeat or give a summary of what has already been said, decided, etc
E. To recapitulate briefly, the three main points are these…
D. a person who continues to commit crimes, and seems unable to stop, even after being punished
E. Gross overcrowding has led to a sky-high recidivist rate.
D. involving two people or groups who agree to help each other or behave in the same way to each other
E. The two colleges have a reciprocal arrangement whereby students from one college can attend classes at the other.
D. an act of rescinding : cancellation
E. the national emergency forced the immediate recision of all military leave
D. one who lives away from others
D. to bring together again
D. not known about or understood by many people
e. geochemistry is a recondite subject
D. looking over a situation to get information (especially military)
E. a reconnaissance aircraft/mission/satellite
D. turning to sb or sth for help
E. The dispute was settled without recourse to law.
D. not brave; unfaithful to duty or allegiance; crying for mercy
E. recreant campaign workers who walked out as soon as their candidate began dropping in the polls
D. answering an attack by attacking in return
E. The discussion turned into a heated debate with recriminations flying back and forth.
D. to make right (rectus-straight, right)
D. moral uprightness (rectus-straight, right)
E. encouraged the graduates to go on to live lives of unimpeachable rectitude and integrity