cold war- second knowledge organiser Flashcards
When was the Berlin crisis?
Berlin crisis key points (5)
1958- Kruschev issued the Berlin ultimatum, this is where he accused the allies of breaking their agreement at Potsdam about Germanys future
USA did not want to go to war and therefore entered talks with the Soviet at Paris and Vienna
These both only increased tensions
August 1961- USSR began building a wall dividing Berlin permanent
Wall was a symbol of physical and ideological tension and it came down in 1989
Consequences of the Berlin wall BERLINERS (2)
many people separated from loved ones and jobs
many died trying to escape
Berlin wall consequences for USSR(2)
Krushchev now abandoned plans ton unite Germany under his control
seen as a negative propaganda image as he had to lock his people in to stop them from leaving as they preferred capitalism
Berlin wall consequences for USA (2)
Made them look weak as they had done nothing while USSR closed the border without consulting them
those who wanted to escape communism could no longer do so
Berlin wall consequences for US/USSR relations
wall symbolized a failure to negotiate
Bay of Pigs plan (2)
US sent cuban exiles as they would be willing to fight Castro and no american soldiers would need to be involved
Why did the bay of pigs fail? (4)
Cuban exiles had little military experience
Castro’s government found out in advance and increased security
Cubans did not fight with them
USA did not want to be linked and therefore didn’t perform the necessary air strikes/ground forces
Reasons why tensions between Cuba and USA increased (3)
Castro wanted to remove US influence
Eisenhower refused to see him and instead reduced the amount of sugar they bought from Cuba
Castro took US owned lands and businesses in Cuba
What information began the cuban missile crisis?
JFK informed that Cuban missiles can reach the US within five minutes.
He then meets the soviet foreign minister who denies the existence
What did kennedy do about the information of Cuban missiles?
decides a naval blockade is the best action, however blockades are seen as an act of war and therefore called it a quarantine to lessen the severity.
cuban missile crisis standoff points (5)
Kennedy adresses the American public and announces naval blockade of Cuba, calling for removal of Soviet weapons
Soviet ships reach quarantine line then turn back- US military go into DEFCON 3
new photos show Soviet missiles are ready to launch
Soviet ships arrive at line and there is a standoff
US military go into DEFCON 2 (nuclear war imminent, the highest in US history)
first letter from kruschev about cuban missile crisis points
Krushev states he will remove the missiles if Kennedy publicly states he will not invade Cuba
second letter from Krushev and events before points
u2 spy plane shot down over Cuba- killing the pilot
Kennedy now encouraged to bomb Cuba
second letter: in addition to previous conditions, the US must also remove its missiles from turkey
how does the cuban missile crisis end?
Kennedy agrees to the second letter as long as the missiles in turkey are a secret
Krushchev announces removal of ICBM’s from Cuba and the crisis is over.
what happened on the 27th October?
US navy hits the soviet nuclear submarine to get it to surface
submarine believes its being attacked and therefore prepared to launch nuclear missiles
they stand down at the last minute
consequences of the cuban missile crisis for both USA and USSR
hotline installed between the white house and the kremlin so both leaders could communicate quickly to resolve issues and to not allow tensions to rise to this point again
consequences for the USA Cuban missile crisis
kennedy now recovered his damaged reputation since the bay of pigs
consequences for USSR
many soviet politicians believed krushev had been humiliated for backing down, some even tried to remove him
because of secret of turkey missiles, it looked like he taken nothing from the US and claimed no credit
limited test ban treaty (4)
as a result of cuban missile crisis
signed by USA,USSR and UK
states to prohibit the testing of nuclear weapons in outer space,underwater or in the atmosphere
an important step to controlling nuclear weapons
nuclear non- proliferation treaty(2)
as a result of cuban missile crisis
USA and USSR agreed not to share nuclear technologies with other nations