1.1.4 Motivation In Theory And Practice 🧍♀️🧍♂️ Flashcards
What are the four types of motivational theories?
- Taylor’s Scientific management strategy
- Mayo’s human relations theory
- Meslow’s hierarchy of needs
- Herzburg’s two factor theory
What is The first motivational theory?
Taylors scientific management theory
How did Taylors scientific management theory come about? 
He picked workers observe
them eliminated any unnecessary aspects and said this was the most efficient
way and what that that’s what they’re getting paid
a fair days pay for a fair days work
What did Taylor’s scientific management theory believe in ?
Division of labour- is broken down into smaller tasks more efficient with minimal skill
What was two of Taylor’s scientific management theory’s main findings?
- Believed pay motivated workers
- Believe that workers did a minimal work with no one to supervise 
Set a three problems with Taylors scientific management theory?
Does an account that everybody is different- may not be efficient for some
only for a specific industry factory - standardised work is unmotivating
Disregards non-financial motivation
What is the second motivational theory?
Mayo’s humans relations theory
How did Mayo’s human relations theory come about?
Wanted to see if he was the only way to beat also had a reference group- before eliminated necessities to see differences 
So tested Taylor’s theory
What was Mayo’s human relations theory’s main findings?
Working conditions was a factor and working in teams was more important than earning more
So Non-financial increase motivation
repetitive work decreased motivation
What are the problems with Mayo’s human relations theory? 
- Assumes workers have the same goal 🥅
- Assumes communication can break down Barriers - can’t due to salaries
- Biased towards management
What is the third motivational theory?
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
The main findings of Maslows hierarchy of needs theory ?
Imagine a triangle
Self-fulfilment needs
Self- actualisation - realising full potential
Esteem needs - recognition
Psychological needs
Love and belonging- relationships, team working
Basic needs
Safety needs - job security safe working
physiological needs - Basic necessities like a good working condition
wages high enough to keep your weekly groceries food 🍱 water 🚿 rest 🛏
What are some problems with Mallow’s hierarchy of needs?
- Hard to tell where employees are on the hierarchy
- Some levels don’t exist for some - safety
- Life experiences can cause individuals to fluctuate- divorce - only care for basic
- Exceptions - watching work long hours but to be for moral reasons
What is the fourth motivational theory
Herzberg’s two factor theory 
What are the two main finding’s of Herzburgs 2 factor theory ? 
1.Motivation factors- Factors that motivates employees to work harder
- Hygiene factors- if they are not there they don’t motivate - but if they are they demotivate

Give three examples of motivation factors for Herzburgs 2 Factor theory ? 
Personal growth- feel valued
improved job status
increased responsibility- more tasks not boring
Give 4 hygiene factors under Herzburg’s two factor theory
- Bad salary
- Bad working conditions - dirty
- Policy and rules
- Quality with supervisor
What are the two issues with Herzburg’s two factor theory ? 
- Benefits from adopting history may not be seen by business
2. motivation is subjective what may motivator others may not motivate others
What are the 5 financial incentives to improve staff performance
- Piece work
- Commission
- Bonus
- Profit share
- Performance related pay
What does piecework involve ? 
a payment for each unit produced
How may piecework improve staff performance ?
Taylor scientific management- the More more you produce the more you get paid therefore workers will want to produce more
However it was hard to identify the contribution of an individual worker
and many workers are told to make cuts that may be unsafe to reduce the amount of time taken for each item - ruining quality 
What is commission and what does it involve?
Commission is a percentage payment made on a sale made to the salesperson- meets esteem needs - Maslow’s Hiarachy of needs
Commission motivates workers to sell more - Taylor’s scientific management strategies 
What are bonuses?
A payment in addition to the basic wage for reaching targets or in recognition for services-
How many bonuses motivate workers ?
Bonus is the only given when target is met - Allowing workers to strive to meet the target- Taylor specific scientific strategy
Businesses can also give out loyalty bonuses - designed To rewards workers for staying with the business - Love and belonging - Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs
What is profit sharing ?
When staff are given a share of profits - usually in the form of pay 
How could profit-sharing improve staff performance?
If workers are receiving shares they would want to higher profits to meet them so they will work harder in order to do so 
Profits can be a way to show that staff are appreciated - Maslows hierarchy of
What can’t control whether the business Makes a profit on it and there is no link between individual effort and individual reward- - Profit sharing only comes in small amounts
What is performance related pay?
Where staff is payed based on performance
How may performance related pay motivate staff?
Can set a system of appraisal- get workers come into work on time
Taylor scientific specific management theory
Bonus may be too low
Achieving targets much have more to do with the smoothness of machinery rather than the individual
May cause staff rivalry has some staff get more intencentive and favourites - may demotivate staff behaviour rather than change processes and improvement staff may focus on changing behaviour
May challenge Maslow’s hierarchy of needs physiological of money and also the challenges the needs of love and belonging needs
What are the Eight non-financial techniques to improve staff performance?
Delegation - More complex jobs given to subordinates
consultation- Seeking input of staff and decisions that affect their work
Empowerment - Decisions for themselves without managerial approval 
team working

Flexible working
job enrichment - Giving greater responsibility extending the role
Job rotation Employees changing roles and tasks from time to time

job enlargement- Employees of the more jobs to do of a similar nature 
What does delegation Lead to ? what does it link with ?
Gives employees a sense of ownership and control - increase moral - more productivity 
Links with Maslows esteem needsAnd Herzburg’s motivational factors of increased responsibility 
What does consultation lead to an increase in? positives and negatives - link to motivational Theory ?
Staff engagement feeling valued however if staff are not consulted - at resentful
can benefit the business new ideas but a long and slow process
Links to Maslow’s esteem needs
What may empowerment leads to what are the positive
motivational theory does it link with? 
Workers have more ownership and responsibility
links to Herzburg’s motivational factor and esteem needs - Maslow’s 
Employees feel more motivated and trusted reducing absenteeism
What are the positives and negatives of teamworking? motivational theory?
Greater pool of talent
allows flexible working
New ideas 💡
Poor preparation - fail
lack of power for certain individuals
tension that may be to disagreement like a productivity
Mayos humans relations encourages this
What does flexible working lead to an improvement to? motivational theory?
Staff satisfaction of the work life balance leading to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs self actualisation
Herzburg’s motivational factor of personal growth
Where does job enrichment come from?
Herzburg’s Two factor theory
How many job rotation motivate staff? Negatives ?
Exposes them to new challenges and experiences alarmed and hard skills meant to be great responsibility
Workload may be too much for certain individuals
What does job enrichment expose workers too? motivational strategy
More challenging and meaningful task
Mayos humans relations encourages the development of staff
What does job enrichment do over enhancement
Vertically expands job by giving greater responsibility
job enlargement horizontally by giving employees more of the same tasks
What does job enlargement allow workers to do? negatives ?
Engage with a variety of tasks- Job satisfaction- However if tasks are repetitive may lead to a tired workforce- horizontal loading