05c_Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders Flashcards
Reactive Attachment Disorder:
Inhibited and emotionally withdrawn behavior toward adult caregivers
Lack of seeking or responding to comfort
Reactive Attachment Disorder:
Minimal social and emotional responsiveness
Limited positive affect
Irritability, sadness, or fearfulness when interacting with caregivers
Reactive Attachment Disorder:
Areas of extreme insufficient care
Basic emotional needs
Limited Attachment (due to unusual environment/and or repeated changes in caregivers)
Reactive Attachment Disorder:
Age Criteria
Symptoms by 5yo
Minimum developmental age: 9 months
Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder:
Inappropriate interactions with unfamiliar adults
Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder:
Diagnostic criteria
Due to Extreme insufficient care
9+ months old
2+ characteristic symptoms
Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder:
Characteristic symptoms
Overly familiar behavior with unfamiliar adults
Venture away without checking with adult caregiver
Accompanies unfamiliar adult with little/ no hesitation
Diagnositic Criteria
Exposure to actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence
Presence of at least one intrusion symptom
Persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with events
Negative changes in cognition or mood associated with the event
Marked change in arousal and reactivity associated with the event
What Intrusion symptom can look like in children
Repetitive play related to the traumatic event
Exposure to aversive details of the event, exception
Criterion is not met if exposure is through the media
*Unless such exposure is work-related
Symptom Cluster not included for Children under 6
Negative changes in cognition or mood associated with the event
Duration criterion for all ages
1+ month
Delayed expression
Full diagnostic criteria are not met until at least 6 months after the event
Comprehensive cognitive behavioral intervention
*SSRIs do not specifically address PTSD
But can be prescribed to reduce comorbid depression or anxiety
Cognitive incident stress debriefing (CISD)
With or Without Symptoms, Treatment provided within 72 hours Traumatic Event in a single lengthy session
Research shows that it may worsen symptoms
Beneficial effects of EMDR are likely due more to exposure and other nonspecific factors, rather than eye movements
Acute Stress Disorder:
Diagnostic criteria
Meets Exposure criterion of PTSD
9+ PTSD symptoms
[regardless of symptom category]
Acute Stress Disorder:
Duration criteria
3 days to 1 month
Adjustment Disorder:
Symptoms in response to 1+ identifiable psychosocial stressors
Adjustment Disorder:
Duration criteria
Symptoms occur within 3 months of the stressor onset
Symptoms remit within 6 months after termination of the stressor or its consequences
Adjustment Disorder:
With depressed mood
With anxiety
With mixed anxiety and depressed mood
With disturbance of conduct
With mixed disturbance of emotions and conduct
Adjustment Disorder:
Psychosocial Stressor Exception
Diagnosis not given for Normal bereavement