002. Phrases 1 Flashcards
hamis biztonságérzet
a false sense of security
to feel safe when danger is actually near
His wife didn’t argue with him about his drinking, but this was a false sense of security
megosztani ötleteket
bounce ideas off /of
to get feedback and opinions from sy
It’s a good idea to bounce ideas off/of your coworkers. | Can I bounce some ideas off/of you?
(vmilyen) szempontból
siffix used with categories
Safety-wise, my city is pretty safe, but education-wise, we could use some improvement. | Age-wise, my students are around 40 years old.
kedvéért, vmi miatt; vki iránti tiszteletből
for the sake of
for a purpose; out of respect for sy
For the sake of the people who haven’t read the book, I’ll give a quick summatry.
let alone
not to mention, much less
After the accident, he couldn’t walk, let alone play soccer.
egészen más tészta
a whole ‘nother animal / thing / story / level
completely different
We’ve been dating for two years, but deciding to get married is a whole ‘nother animal. (Két éve randevúzunk,…) | Going to college is easy, but finding a job in your field ( a te szakterületeden) is a whole ‘nother thing.
abszolúte hangsúlyozása
It’s icecream abso-freaking-lutely amazing’
ad neki egy esélyt, kipróbálja
give it a shot
to try stg, usually tentatively
The food looks strange, but I’ll give it a shot. | You’ve never sung in karaoke? Come on! Give it a shot!
abban a hitben volt
be under the impression
to think or believe stg that is proven wrong later
I was under the impression that being an elementary school teacher was mainly about being fun. | She was under the impression that he was a nice guy. Wow, she was wrong!
elcsípni az elején
nip it in the bud
to stop stg bad before it gets too big
Many serious illnesses can be nipped in the bud if they are detected early enough. | It’s important to nip this kind of bullying in the bud.
jól szolgál, segítségemre van
serve me well
stg that has been helpful to have or to know
Knowing English has served me well in my current job
átgondol, kétszer is meggondol
think twice
to consider stg more carefully
Americans don’t think twice about tipping in a restaurant, because is obvious for them. | You might want to think twice before buying an insurance policy from them.
big picture
the broad, overall perspective
back in the day
a long time ago
We used to hang out a lot, back in the day.
meghaladja a képességeit, nehéz dolga van
be in over sy’s head
be in a situation where you are unprepared or less skilled than others
I tried to establish a company, but I was in over my head. | Sean tried to pay his gambling debts, but he was in over his head.
óvatosan elmerül vmiben
ease into it
to carefully or slowly do stg
Don’t give a speech in English tomorrow. You need to ease into it. | I had to ease into the water because it was really cold.
szöget üt a koporsójába (komoly és maradandó károsodást okoz)
To drive a nail in sy’s coffin
To do something that causes you serious and permanent harm: “I told my uncle that every time he lights a cigarette, he’s driving another nail into his coffin.”
szöget egészen bever
to drive a nail home
~ aki másnak vermet ás, maga esik bele
harm watch, harm catch
kár, károsodás, ártalom
napokon át tartó sorozat (Brainscape dashboard)
days streak
A streak is a term that tells you for how many consecutive days you did the activity. You miss a day, you break the streak. = A sorozat egy olyan kifejezés, amely megmondja, hány egymást követő napon végezte a tevékenységet. Kihagysz egy napot, megszakítod a sorozatot.