001. Phrasal verbs 1 Flashcards
ask around
to ask multiple people
I haven’t seen your dog, but I’ll ask around in neighborhood
randira hív
ask sy out
to ask sy on a date
My husband asked me out on a date 17 years ago.
be in control of
to have the power over stg
break down
to stop functioning
It’s a terrible day for my car to break down. It’s raining and my phone just died. | big macine, e.g. car, washing machine
break stg down
to explain stg in simple terms
The teacher broke down the lesson so that we could easily understand
break into stg
to enter forcibly
I forgot my keys so I had to break into my house.
break out
to spread
We were going to go on vacation, and then COVID broke out and we had to cancel it. | The war broke out in 1914.
elkedvetlenít, lehoz az életről
bring stg/sy down
to make sy unhappy or to lower the mood
My coworker just really brings me down. She’s always unhappy and complaining about something.
call around
to call different people or places on the phone
I have some extra tickets to the concert, so I’m going to call around and see if any of my friens want them.
call back
to return a phone call
My doctor called and left a message. I need to call him back.
felvenni a telefont
to pick up the phone
cheer up
to say or do stg to make sy happy
I brought you these flowers to cheer you up.
cheer on
to encourage or support sy
Let’s cheer on our team!
clean up
to tidy stg
I’m trying to teach my sons to clean up after themselves.
vmilyen benyomást kelteni, tűnni vmilyennek
come across as
to appear or sound in a certain way; to give a specific impression
If you don’t want to come across as rude, you should smile when you meet people. | I want to come across to professional, so I’m going to wear my best siut to the interview.
szétesik, szétmegy
come apart
to separate / fall down / break down
Oh no! I put my favorite sweater in the washer and now it’s coming apart.
jelentkezni (pl. rendőrségen)
come forward
to give help or infromation
The police are asking that the vandals come forward and repair the damage that they did.
ered vhonnan
come from
to originate in stg or have stg as its source
Where does the inspiration for your art come from?
számítani vkire
count on
to rely on sy or stg
I know I can count on my neighbor when I need help. | You can count on me, I will always finish the project on time.
megbízni vkiben, számítani vkire
rely on
kihúz, kiikszel, kipipál
cross out / cross off
to draw a line through stg / to finish stg
I have cross off everything on my to-do list already, and it’s only noon!
cut stg out
to remove pieces or a part of stg
If you cut out these sections of the report, I think it will flow better.
ismétel, újra megcsinál
do stg over
to repeat stg
If you make a mistake, it’s OK. You just have to do it over until it’s right. | My dog just ate my homework. I need to do it over.
do away with
to stop doing stg
We just need to do away with all papers and go digital.
dress up
to wear nicer clothes than usual
I decided to dress up for my date, so I wore a new dress.
abbahagy (pl. iskolát)
drop out of
to quit stg
I dropped out of medical school when I realized how hard it was.
fall through
to fail, to end up not happening
Our plans fell through when the flight was canceled, so we decided to take a road trip instead. (You’re not blaming anyone.)
megvalósít, végigcsinál
follow through
to keep doing stg until it is finished
It was a hard project, but she followed through and got it done. | got it done = sikerült
utánkövet vmit / utánajár vminek (több információt szerez)
follow up
to pursue stg further (action after the main action)
It’s a good idea to follow up an interview with a thank you letter or a nice email.
elmenni (szabadságra, vakációra)
get away
to go on vacation or leave
It’s been such a busy week. I can’t wait to get away this weekend to the beach. | Get away! Tűnj el!
megúszik vmit, nem büntetik meg vagy nem érik tetten
get away with
to do stg (usually wrong) without being noticed or punished
You could probably get away with leaving work early, but I don’t recommend it. = Valószínűleg megúszhatod, ha korábban elmész a munkából, de nem ajánlom.
megértet (pl. az álláspontját)
get stg across
to communicate
She is such a great speaker thet she has no problem getting her point across. (No matter what she’s talknig about, the other person can easily understand.)
get back
to return
I love vacation, but I’m always happy to get back home too.
felszáll (járműre)
get on
to step on stg or to board stg, like a plane, train, bus or other transp
We got on the ferry to go to the other side of the lake. | Oh no! I got on the wrong train.
leszáll (járműről)
get off
túlteszi magát vmin, kihever, átjut, felépül, legyőz
get over
to recover or overcome (= felépül, legyőz)
I’m getting over a bad cold and I still didn’t feel that great. Túl vagyok a megfázáson, és még mindig nem érzem magam olyan jól. | I’m still not getting over the heartbreak of our break-up. Még mindig nem vagyok túl a szakításunk miatti szomorúságon.
együtt lenni
get together
to spend time together
I love to get together with friends and family during the holidays. Let’s get together while you’re in town. I’ll take you to my favorite coffee shop.
elárul / odaad, elajándékoz
give away
to reveal stg / to give stg for free
I don’t want to give away the ending, but that movie was fantastic! / After I broke my leg, I decided to give away my roller skates.
give back
to return stg
I borrowed a coat from my cousin for our ski trip, and now I need to give it back. | Give that bone back to the dog, and he’ll stop barking.
követ, megszerez
go after stg
to try to achieve stg
You should always go after your dreams. | I’m going to go after that position as manager, and I won’t stop until I get it.
ellenkezik vmivel, megsért vmit (szabályt)
go against
to oppose
I’m going against what everyone is telling me I should do, and I’m following my heart. | If you go against the company policy, you will have to face the consequences.
folytat / elkezd, belevág
go ahead
to proceed, start, initiate stg
Sorry for interrupting you, go ahead with your story. | Do you want me to go ahead with the plan we discussed? (a megbeszélt tervet) | Let’s go ahead with our plan, and I’ll see everyone tomorrow.
go back
to return to a place
I had a great summer vacation, but I’m ready to go back to school.
átnéz, átvizsgál
go over
to review stg in order to clarify
I need to go over the contract before I sign it. | I have some questions about the project. Can we go over it together?
grow apart
to become distant in a relationship
We were best friends when we were children, but as we got older we just grew apart. | If you don’t spend quality time together, you will grow apart.
grow into
to grow big enough to fit
I bought this jacket a size too big because I know that eventually my son will grow into it.
kinő vmit
grow out of stg
to grow too big for stg
He grew out of all of his clothes, and now we need to buy new ones. | She has grown out of her role in the company, so she’s leaving for a more challenging job. (nagyobb kihívást jelentő munkáért)
hand out stg
to distribute stg
I volunteered to hand out water at the marathon. (Önként vállaltam, hogy vizet osztok a maratonon.)
visszafojt, eltitkol (pl. érzelmet) / visszafog vkit
hold sy/stg back
to hide an emotion or to be stopped by sy or stg
When my boss told me that I got a promotion, I had to hold back my excitement until I left his office. | I wanted to say stg to the rude man, but my husband held me back.
csalódást okoz
let sy down
to disappoint sy
My parents always believed in me, so I never wanted to let them down. | When you lied to me, you really let me down / I felt let down. (csalódást okozol nekem / csalódom)
felnéz vikre, tisztel vkit
look up to sy
to respect sy a lot
My parents are both hard workers, and I look up to them. | Sometimes people that we look up to can let us down.
rámutat (átvitt és konkrét értelemben)
point out stg
to indicate stg, either physically or verbally
I would like to point out that my performance has led to an increase in revenue this quarter. (Szeretném felhívni a figyelmet arra / szeretnék rámutatni arra, hogy teljesítményem bevételnövekedéshez vezetett ebben a negyedévben)