001. Phrasal verbs 1 Flashcards
ask around
to ask multiple people
I haven’t seen your dog, but I’ll ask around in neighborhood
randira hív
ask sy out
to ask sy on a date
My husband asked me out on a date 17 years ago.
be in control of
to have the power over stg
break down
to stop functioning
It’s a terrible day for my car to break down. It’s raining and my phone just died. | big macine, e.g. car, washing machine
break stg down
to explain stg in simple terms
The teacher broke down the lesson so that we could easily understand
break into stg
to enter forcibly
I forgot my keys so I had to break into my house.
break out
to spread
We were going to go on vacation, and then COVID broke out and we had to cancel it. | The war broke out in 1914.
elkedvetlenít, lehoz az életről
bring stg/sy down
to make sy unhappy or to lower the mood
My coworker just really brings me down. She’s always unhappy and complaining about something.
call around
to call different people or places on the phone
I have some extra tickets to the concert, so I’m going to call around and see if any of my friens want them.
call back
to return a phone call
My doctor called and left a message. I need to call him back.
felvenni a telefont
to pick up the phone
cheer up
to say or do stg to make sy happy
I brought you these flowers to cheer you up.
cheer on
to encourage or support sy
Let’s cheer on our team!
clean up
to tidy stg
I’m trying to teach my sons to clean up after themselves.
vmilyen benyomást kelteni, tűnni vmilyennek
come across as
to appear or sound in a certain way; to give a specific impression
If you don’t want to come across as rude, you should smile when you meet people. | I want to come across to professional, so I’m going to wear my best siut to the interview.
szétesik, szétmegy
come apart
to separate / fall down / break down
Oh no! I put my favorite sweater in the washer and now it’s coming apart.
jelentkezni (pl. rendőrségen)
come forward
to give help or infromation
The police are asking that the vandals come forward and repair the damage that they did.
ered vhonnan
come from
to originate in stg or have stg as its source
Where does the inspiration for your art come from?
számítani vkire
count on
to rely on sy or stg
I know I can count on my neighbor when I need help. | You can count on me, I will always finish the project on time.
megbízni vkiben, számítani vkire
rely on